To Blog or Not to Blog ...
The Riverwood Journal

Easter Blessings

A recent post by Rebecca at A Gypsy Caravan about being grateful for the little things in life got me thinking about my own gratitude ... and then I tore the page off my day-by-day calendar and here is today's page:


I know what is being whispered in my ear ... slow down, pay attention and be glad.

One usually thinks of Thanksgiving as the time for reflecting on gratitude, but this week I find myself struck by the many, many ways we have all been richly blessed. And what more appropriate time of year than now to remember all that has been given to us, to recall the sacrifice that was made in our name? Life's brightest blessings are right here, all around us, and now is the time to savor them.

So here's my list, the simple and sweet. It would take me too long - and too many tears - to ponder the biggies, so here are some of the little things I cherished and thanked God for today ...

  • For this balmy, beautiful weather; the birds are singing and the air is soft and warm ...
  • For my dear generous mother who spent the whole morning helping me clean for Easter.
  • For brothers sitting together in their fort, making up "secret" codes.
  • For my dear husband who got up early to make coffee so I could jump on the computer.
  • For my family's good health and energy. (O.K. this is a biggie)
  • The phone may be broken, but it was blissfully quiet all day.
  • For Earlybird telling me he needs his nap, and then walking down to his room and taking it.
  • For Tivo, without which I would probably never watch TV, which might not be a bad thing, but that's another post.
  • For cold, sweet iced tea.
  • For the afternoon sun slanting through the trees.
  • For the sugar cookies Nana made.
  • For all the kind-hearted ladies at the 4Real Forums who encourage and inspire me daily.
  • For funny word games played with Earlybird.
  • For the last 2 toothpicks pulled from our Lenten Crown of Thorns.
  • For all the birds and little critters who feel comfortable calling our yard home.
  • For my cats who follow me around, come when I call, and curl up on my lap while I type.
  • For my youngest dear son who is jammed in this chair right behind me, oohing and aahing over a new Easter book.

As usual I've gone on too long, so it's time for me to finish up here and go spend some time with my three greatest blessings of all ...

Happy Easter everyone!
