Food for the Angels and Us!
We Got Him!

An Afternoon Adventure

Today, while my youngest took his afternoon nap (and I did a little afternoon blogging), dear husband took the older two boys out for an "adventure" ~ a ride along the woodland bike path, looking for vernal ponds to explore (see photo below) ...

As they were preparing to leave, Crackerjack (who's Bikes_in_the_woods2_1proving to be my most quotable kid) says:

"Wow! What a great day! We went to church, we ate a big breakfast, and now we're going on a bike ride in the woods!"

*Late Day Update: The troop just came in ~ red-cheeked and winded ~ and full of tales from their trek:

  • Seen: a Blue Heron, Turkey Vultures, a dead vole, a black butterfly with white edges and orange tips, a spider crawling on water, and a previously unviewed marsh.
  • Smelled: extremely pungent skunk cabbage.
  • Heard: Red-winged Blackbirds, dirt bikes in the distance, the wind.
  • Done: a longer than ever bike ride and lots of riding through the mud!
