Weekend Plans
A Slug is a Bug?

The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

It's very dark and rainy this morning and I'm up early with Earlybird. We have a busy day ahead of us, but for a moment I paused to read in my June Magnificat. I'm glad I did, for the following quote, presented as a daily meditation, spoke very clearly to me ...

Later today we are gathering here with our family, to celebrate Bookworm's birthday, but first we will start our day at early Mass, within the fold of our church family. Start to finish, it will be a wonderful day for the filling and sharing of hearts ...

How to Remove the BeamSacred_heart

"God gives us a heart, a human heart, like Christ's. I don't have one heart for loving God and another for loving people. I love Christ and the Father and the Holy Spirit and our Lady with the same heart with which I love my parents and my friends. I shall never tire of repeating this. We must be very human, for otherwise we cannot be divine.

Human love, the love we experience on earth when it is really genuine, helps us to savor divine love. That is how we grasp the love by which we rejoice in God and which we will share in heaven when the Lord is "everything to everyone." If we begin to understand God's love, we will feel impelled to become increasingly more compassionate, more generous, more dedicated.

We must give what we receive, we must teach what we learn. Very simply, without any kind of conceit, we must help others to share in the knowledge of God's love."

Saint Josemaria Escriva
