Here and There in the Blogosphere
What Planet Should I Rule?

Charlotte's Got Nothing on This Guy ...

... or gal or whatever he-she-it might be! Actually we think it (we'll go with it for now) is an orb weaver spider (though please feel free to correct us if we are wrong). :)

Anyhoo, this alleged orb weaver has been very busy building an enormous web for its ginormous self right off the canopy on our deck. We can watch it at a comfortable (safe) distance from inside the kitchen windows, but last night we ventured closer ...

I took lots of pictures, and as with most of nature, the poor thing was more scared of me than I of it. But truly none of these photos do this marvelous creature an iota of justice. Its web alone is a work of art and mind-boggling perfection.


Against the darkening sky its outline shows up clearly ...


But in its web you get a true sense of its appearance.


Zoom is a good thing when it comes to spiders ....


I think this section of its web needs repairing ...

Isn't he-she-it amazing? Here's one more picture. The spider is quite fuzzy in this one, but the web shows up nicely ...


As the boys said, "Cool!"

Now, if only we had a pig, I'd expect to see words appearing any day ...
