Thankful Thursday!
November 15, 2006
This week's Thankful Thursday is being hosted by Diane at her lovely blog, The Journey of a Mother's Heart. Once again, I so enjoyed compiling my latest list of blessings!
So without further ado, this week I am grateful for ...
1. Conversations like this:
Me (to Crackerjack): What is Daddy's real name, Crackerjack?
Crackerjack: Bill.
Daddy to Crackerjack: And what is Mama's real name?
Crackerjack: Mama.
Daddy: Doesn't she have any other names besides Mama?
Crackerjack: Nope, nope, nope. She's just Mama.
2. For plumbing that works. And for not having to call a plumber after all. And for being able to wash dishes and run laundries again. When you can't do these mundane but meaningful tasks it feels sooo good to be able to do them again. (I fear this bliss will be short-lived, however.)
3. For the mail. How I love the mail. No, not the mailman, just the things that he brings. And the very fact that he comes every day without fail, and he brings me things like magazines, catalogs and thoughtful letters from dear friends. And today he brought me my Peet's! Oh I wish you could smell it! There is nothing like fresh-roasted coffee beans right out of the box, except of course when they've been ground and brewed and are being poured into your waiting cup ...
4. And speaking of coffee, I am thankful for the way Starbucks celebrates the seasons with amazing holiday drinks like Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Peppermint Mochas, Eggnogg and Gingebread Lattes, too. I just looooove coffee (period, but) especially when made for me by someone else, and even moreso when it is served in a lovely red cup with snowflakes and snowmen all over it.
5. But as much as I love (long for, daydream about, need) coffee, I am even more grateful when friends put the caffeine craving in perfect (and darling) perspective. :)
More things to be thankful for ...
6. For the library because without it I would most likely bankrupt my family buying books. I am especially grateful for the inter-library loan system AND the online request system. I always have two or three holds "in-transit or "ready for pickup." (I suspect the local branch has me on speed-dial, LOL!) And the other thing I am thankful for are the librarians who always hold my books a few extra days even if Im not there by the specified date. They're good people, those librarians.
7. Speaking of books, I am very grateful for friends who have put together amazing Advent reading booklists, study plans and book packages for me and my children. I can hardly wait for December!
8. And on top of all that, I think I speak for us all when I say I am just plain thankful for Tomie de Paola. Did he write his amazing, beautiful, brilliant books with us CCM-ers in mind? I think so.
9. I am so very grateful for my mum. I can't even begin to list all the reasons why, nor to describe how much. Let's just say she's there for me all the time, without question and without fail. This week she did my laundry, babysat my boys, bought me a bag of sugar when I ran out, and, as she does every year, she is helping me plan - nevermind cook! - Thanksgiving dinner! And oh, yes, there's the small detail about how she gave me LIFE! And it's such a wonderful life, Mum. I love you.
10. I am grateful for my small, family-loving, warm and welcoming parish. I am grateful for my pastor who is kind and soft-spoken and gives the most wonderful homilies. I am grateful for the all the fun activities like parish breakfasts, toy drives, Christmas concerts, pageants, cookie swaps, VBS and CCD ... and last but certainly not least I love Mass. Don't even get me started on that one.
And one more!
11. I am grateful to Kristina and Lisa for starting this whole carnival idea! Because I was a bit grumpy this morning and then I remembered tomorrow was Thursday and next thing you know I found myself thinking up so many reasons to be grateful. (Which is something I should do everyday, isn't it?) But it's nice to put it down in one place and its wonderful to share it with others.
What are you thankful for this week? That's a lovely thing to consider as you head off to bed, don't you think? In the meantime, as always, Good night and God bless!