And Speaking of Peace ...
January 24, 2007
Isn't this a beautiful image? Today is the optional memorial of Our Lady Queen of Peace, the patroness of the Catholic Church in Hawaii. To learn more about her, please visit here.
Today I will introduce the boys to The Litany of Loreto, and, taking a cue from my lovely friend Meredith, I will ask the boys to listen for the title, Queen of Peace as I read. We will also find Hawaii on the map, and view these images of Our Lady Queen of Peace Cathedral in Honolulu.
Today we will also pray for peace in the world. We will do this at tea, and for this, a candle will need to be lit. I think this would be a nice time to talk about the children of the world and pray that their needs be met.
We will also read about Saint Francis de Sales, whose feast day is today, and who is the patron of, among other things, Catholic journalism. We will look at the various examples we have in our home - The Pilot, Our Sunday Visitor, Catholic Answers, Magnifikid, Magnificat, Family Faith, Take Out, Heart & Mind, our parish bulletin ... as well as some online Catholic news sources. What is your favorite example of Catholic journalism? We are blessed to have so many to choose from.
I have a coloring page of Saint Francis for the boys from A Year with God, and a well-known quote of his will serve as our copywork today: "You can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar." It will be fun to think up examples of this saying!
All of these little items will be filed in our family faith notebook, as well as I hope, in our memories. I am really excited that we are keeping up with our notebooks again - they really are such a tangible and visual way to remember all the big and little moments in our liturgical year.
I hope you have a blessed day!