Cupcakes to Follow the Craft
Craft Bins, Post Two

Craft Bins, Post One

So here's my weekend project.

For a while now, I've been promising a peek into my craft bins, so yesteday I dragged them all out and started sorting through all the paraphernalia. Ack, what a mess, as you can see below.

This is something I've been needing to do for some time now. Weekly stops at the craft store, too many great ideas out there in the blogosphere, lightbulb moments now and again - have all added up to more craft materials than I can keep up with! My bins have grown steadily fuller and messier and, to be honest, I wasn't all that sure what I had (and didn't). Consequently, I would return from a trip to the craft store with items I already had on hand.

Well, this is no way to start off the fiscal year, is it? ;)


We'll call this the BEFORE photo ...

The first thing I did was to start filling up Ziploc bags, grouping similar items together. It took most of the afternoon to do this, but in the end, or really the middle, I had the bins looking more like this:


Craft bins IN PROGRESS ...

My next step will be to go through these bins and list out what I have and try to remember what I was going to do with all this stuff! (Those long-forgotten craft ideas from seasons past.) As soon as I have that list put together I'll post it here.

My ultimate goal is a craft cupboard where I may store all our craft supplies in one handy place. We have the wooden shelves already - and I know where I want to put them - it's just making space (and a set of curtains) for them and then of course filling them in with all the supplies.

I am so impatient I'd like it all to happen at once, but as I got into it yesterday, I could see I have my work cut out for me. :)

Well, off to look in those bins and draw up that list! I will post it later today.
