Spring Learning at Home
Thanks ... I Think

An Early Spring Field Day!


"Child, take your basket down, Go and find spring ...

The snow is melting, the air is warming, the earth is waking ... the time seems right for a field day, don't you think?

Please join us for Field Day ~ The Early Spring Edition, which will run Friday April 13th. It will be my sixth nature study carnival! (Please see my Field Day archive to read past "issues.")

If you'd like to participate, please send me a link to a nature-themed post at your blog, by Thursday, April 12th. Feel free to use the button above for your post ~ or if you'd like to help spread the word! :)

As always, non-bloggers are more than welcome to join in the fun! Send me your photos of, or thoughts on, early spring and I will write you right into my post. My email address is [email protected] (just take out the NOSPAM before you hit send).

Other information I need:

  • Your name
  • Your e-mail address (not to be published)
  • Your blog name and URL (if applicable)
  • A brief description of your entry

For some ideas to get your nature study wheels turning (though I'm sure with this spring weather they already are), please see my earlier posts Early Spring Themes in Nature and A Page from the Early Spring Notebook ...

Or just throw open a few windows and take a short turn around your yard ... I am sure before long you'll be grabbing the camera and digging out those field guides!

While you do this, ask your children ...

Do they hear it? Singing birds, dripping snow, a drowsy bee ...

Do they smell it? Fresh earth, new grass, a damp breeze ...

Do they see it? Blue sky, bits of green, an open bud ...

Do they feel it? Warm sun, a gentle wind, squishy mud ...

How would it taste if spring had a flavor?

We have two weeks till Field Day - plenty of time to gather our early spring thoughts about us - and rest assured, I'll be reminding you along the way. ;) Leave me a comment if you think you'd like to join us, or just send me your entry when you have a chance.

For now, enjoy this glorious day, my friends ... Go and find spring!

"Now where the ground was bare

Only last week,

Now where the flower was rare

And the hedge bleak,

Reach for the catkin

And stoop for the primrose,

Seek if you want your share

Of the first gathering,

Seek, where the ground was bare

Only last week."

(Eleanor Farjeon)
