Roses for Mary, Rocks for the Pond ...
Good to Know

Spring Things

I don't have much to post tonight, but I did take a picture of my Easter folder just now. My two-week alarm went off today (the snooze button had been hit a few times) and I realized there is much to do to prepare for this beautiful day!


I used a plain file folder, but pasted a pretty Victorian image on the front. That's as far as I got. Tomorrow I'll fill it up with checklists, recipes and ideas I've torn out of magazines. Tonight I'm just going to enjoy how lovely it is. :)

Crackerjack had CCD this afternoon. I can hardly believe he only has two or three classes left before First Holy Communion! Today the kids watched a video on going to Mass and then practiced receiving Communion up in church. (We used Cheez-its and grape juice, lol.) The children are really well prepared, and CJ is quite excited. We finished up class with stories of Holy Week.

On the way home we passed the marsh - the one we check for wildlife on the way to and from church. It was not only snow-free at long last, but filled with red-winged blackbirds! I wonder how much longer the juncos will stay? And I wonder when the chipmunks will reappear? We discovered many new crocus shoots under the front hedges (yay!) and the first bee of the year floated by on the almost-mild breeze.

Ah, Spring!
