Poetry Friday: Happy Arbor Day!
I'm SO Excited!

Thinking Blogger Award

Oh my! I was tagged for a Thinking Blogger Award by two of my favorite bloggers, RebeccaThinkingbloggerpf8_2  and Marjorie! Thank you, dear friends ~ you have made my day and I am honored by your very kind words.

So, as I understand it, if you are tagged for this award you are then supposed to do the following:

  1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
  2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
  3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

Gosh, just five? I am not sure I can contain myself! But I will try ...

~ KC always makes me smile and think at her Cabbage Patch. She and I both have children on the autistic spectrum and she writes very eloquently about the challenges and the blessings of our mothering path.

~ I bet she's been tagged about a jillion times by now, but I must tag Lissa at The Lilting House whose Waldorf homeschooling posts of late have really got my wheels turning ...

~ Jenn's Family in Feast and Feria makes me think about my faith in new and more meaningful ways. She generously shares so much knowledge with us, and she fills in so many gaps for me.

~ I would visit Margaret in Minnesota whether she made me think, laugh or cry (and she has done all of those things!) simply because she is such a joy to know. I always carry her words with me and think on them through the day.

~ The S/V Mari Hal-o-Jen just lifts my spirit. I love reading about Jennifer's homeschooling and seafaring adventures. Her life is quite different from mine (though we are very similar in many ways if I might flatter myself to say so) and I enjoy living vicariously through her. :)

I am grateful to each of these women, for how they make me think and feel ~ and most importantly for their friendship!
