The Critter Corner
Won and Lost

An Alphabet of Summer Delights

It's that time of year again ~ a new season is upon us! And while Memorial Day is still a few weeks shy of the solstice, I think in most American hearts and minds, it is certainly the unofficial kick-off of the summer season.

Up here in New England we are experiencing a very warm week and everything is green and flower-y. Truly, spring has sprung itself all over, but summer is nipping at its heels! In my book, it's high time to brainstorm a list of all the delights summer can bring, so I will remember to stop and be thankful for life's little joys:

A is for air-conditioning in August (if not before).

B is for baseball games, a day at the beach and blockbuster movies.

C is for cool cotton sheets, cook-outs and clambakes.

D is for daylilies, dragonflies, dandelions and daisies.

E is for eating outside!

F is for fireflies, firecrackers and the Fourth of July.

G is for gardens and ghost stories 'round the campfire.

H is for hazy, hot and humid.

I is for ice cream!

J is for turning July's jewels (berries) into jam.

K is for keeping cool by the pool.

L is for lemonade, lazy days, and lightning storms.

M is for a morning in Maine, muggy and magical.

N is for night creatures like bats, moths and owls.

O is for orb-weaver spiders and Orion's belt at sunrise.

P is for popsicles, poppies, parades and pick-your-own.

Q is for a quiet fan humming, lulling you to sleep at night.

R is for roses, reunions and refreshing raspberry shrub.

S is for shooting stars, seashells, sprinklers and s'mores.

T is for toads in the garden and tea, iced and sweet.

U is for unusually large and prolific zucchini.

V is for verdant pastures, vacations and farm-fresh vegetables.

W is for watermelon and pearly webs glistening with dew.

X is for crossing the days off till September.

Y is for yellow-jackets and yarrow by the roadside.

Z is for zinnias in lollipop colors.

Here's wishing you a season filled with summer delights!
