An unintended break
Poetry Friday: Dinosaurs!

What I Did on My (Blogging) Vacation ...

1. Supervised the catch-and-release of a lot of bugs via the bug vacuum.

2. Listened to d'Aulaire's Norse myths read aloud.

3. Proofread Bookworm's creative writing and played his graph paper games.

4. Watched Crackerjack read his first chapter book ever!

5. Watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, more than once.

6. Instead of spending the morning online, I read the Boston Globe every day (ok, skimmed it), and clipped out articles to share.

7. Instead of spending the evening online, I read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix cover to cover.

8. Watched all the Martha shows I had on our Tivo.

9. Inadvertently (honestly) erased all of the Sopranos episodes Bill recorded. Oops.

10. Visited with friends we had not seen in a while and made some neat plans for the fall.

11. Found a missing library book long since paid (and apologized) for.

12. Wrote out the ed. plans for next year, including a neat alphabet curriculum for Earlybird (more on that later).

Well, I am back online, albeit somewhat sporadically. We had a Verizon technician out here yesterday for hours (hence the multiple viewings of Willy Wonka, keeping the boys out of his hair). I can now get online - but only here on the old dinosaur of a desktop parked in the family room (the one EB thinks is his, lol), but my laptop cannot connect. I have no phone (except for my cell of course). I now have access to email, however, and I have received several new Field Day posts (thank you!). If you have not heard back from me - hang tight - I will be (hopefully) in touch with you soon.

Undesired though it was, the break I had from blogging the past few days was, in a strange way, quite eye-opening. Though I missed "talking" with you all, it was, dare I say, sort of restful to just live the day without any back and forth (to the computer). I've been blogging steadily (a post a day at least) for over a year. I didn't think I was spending all that much time online, and yet, without the ability to actually connect - with the computer sitting closed and quiet off in the corner - I realized how much more time I have in the day than I thought. I got a lot more done on my daily list, I must admit.

And now I'm back, on what would have been my Late Spring Field Day, feeling a bit at odds, and not having a lot to say, actually! (Quite a lengthy post for someone with nothing to say, lol.) I will still plan to run Field Day this Monday, June 11th. I'm accepting entries up till Sunday night!

Today we have Bookworm's Homeschool Book Group meeting. We are discussing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - and I'm leading the discussion. I'm bringing cream soda for refreshment ("butterbeers") and a few activities for the kids. They're such a good group, I'm sure it will be fun.

Thank you all for your kind words and wishes, and as always, for stopping by my little corner of the web. I hope you have a great Thursday. :)
