Lovely Light on St. Lucia's Day
Papa, Don't Peek!

Poetry Friday: Happy Birthday, Earlybird!


Oh, if you're a bird, be an early bird
And catch the worm for your breakfast plate.
If you're a bird, be an early early bird-
But if you're a worm, sleep late.

(Shel Silverstein)

Oh, Earlybird, you are my littlest man, but SIX is so big!

Six years ago today, you woke me - as has become your steadfast routine - just around 4 a.m. ... and those familiar pangs told me that TODAY was THE day! And though you were not due for another week, your Papa was right all along - you were indeed born on his birthday and now you get to share your special day with your Papa! So today we wish both you AND Papa a Happy, Happy Day!

We love you SO very much!!

9 a.m. update: Pictures from our Frosty Birthday Breakfast!





What a fun way to start a Snowday-Birthday!

It was going to be a Maple Snow Candy Breakfast, but when I realized I didn't have quite enough maple syrup on hand, I switched gears (and googled) and found this yummy and super-easy confection. So when I went out to fill the feeders this morning I walked way out back to where the snow was absolutely pristine, and filled my biggest stockpot to the brim! Back inside, I called the troops to the table and we set about concocting our "snow cream." It was fun and scrumptious!

So what came next for Earlybird? Well, a morning bath enhanced by bowls and bowls full of snow with which to play - and experiment! How quickly the water turned from warm to cool!

Today, then, we're at home, keeping warm - baking and tidying the house for EB's party tomorrow. How timely that we planned a "snow" themed lunch. :)

Happy Friday, everyone! 
