Mitten Strings for God: Chapter One
A Craft for the 50 Days of Easter

Easter Planning ~


It's just dawned on me ~ Easter Sunday is but two weeks away! It's high-time I made myself a list of some kind. Ah, but what kind of list - a notebook, a clipboard, a full-blown, multi-tabbed binder? Last year I made up a folder, and it worked pretty well, so a folder again it will be. :)

And in my Easter Folder I will plan ~

  • Holy Week Observations
    • with our parish
    • at home
  • A Spring Cleaning schedule
  • Easter Sunday Dinner
    • marketing list
    • cooking timetable
  • Table Settings
  • Decorations (Home & Garden)
  • Easter Baskets
  • Easter Attire
  • Errands to run

In a follow-up post I will share my notes on all these things; this weekend I'll be going back through my posts from last year and looking through all my favorite resources. This is such a beautiful time of year isn't it? The anticipation, the contemplation and of course, the celebration!

It's a gray rainy morning here - no day for a nature walk, I'm afraid. Tomorrow looks to be sunny and cold though - a good day to bundle up and look for signs of spring. (Spring, are you out there??) Oh, and speaking of spring, we mustn't forget to SPRING AHEAD tomorrow morning! Now, does this mean more sleep or less? I always forget. :)

And (still!) speaking of spring, I am also hoping to find some time to do a little spring cleaning here at my blog. Those sidebars are pitifully outdated! It's time I put up some new booklists and things. I'm also toying with the idea of tweaking my template (new banner, new colors?) but I just don't know. This one has lasted a year and it's really grown on me ...

OK, one last sip of coffee and I'm off ~ I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
