*D is for Dragons (Michaelmas Week)*
Woven wonder

*Autumn Housekeeping Notes*


We've just returned home from Earlybird's therapy, and I'm popping on while I wait for the water to boil to do a quick post. (Annie's for lunch, in case you're wondering.) First of all, what a lovely day. It's not quite raining, though you can feel how much it wants to ~ the skies are dense and gray, the air is cool and slightly damp. While we waited for EB at therapy, the older boys read their book group selections and I pulled out my trusty notepad. So, what was on my mind? Oh, lots of things, but for the time being I concentrated on fall, and in particular, fall housekeeping. I started jotting down things to keep in mind as the calendar flips from September to October, and before long my page was filled ...

* Have down comforter cleaned; launder autumn duvet and shams.

* Launder flannel bedding and fleece blankets.

* Review housekeeping routines; adjust as necessary.

* Check on snow gear: boots, jackets, pants, hats, gloves, etc. If anybody needs new things, purchase or order them now.

* Same goes for winter pajamas and slippers.

* Tweak the menu plan to reflect the season - heartier meals, fall fruits and veggies.

* Schedule a work-in-the-yard Saturday to rake, clean up garden debris, store outdoor furniture, etc.

* Plant spring bulbs (snowdrops, crocus, daffodils) before the ground freezes.

* Plan a fall foliage jaunt for one Sunday afternoon.

* Prepare homemade cocoa mix, mulling spice bundles and replenish tea drawer as necessary.

* Visit the farmstand for autumn keepers: apples, onions, potatoes, squash.

* Put up jars of pearsauce and applesauce.

* Schedule cars for regular maintenance. Stock up on winter road supplies.

* Make a list of winter storm supplies to stock at home: snow-melt, flashlight and batteries, battery-operated radio, candles, etc.

* Plan a night to visit the country fair.

* Stop by Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte. :)

* Visit the Hallmark store for autumn greeting cards (birthdays, anniversaries, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.).

* Make plans for our anniversary in October: dinner out with Bill, family dinner with the kids.

* Inventory craft supplies and note what needs replenishing. (Keep in mind holiday projects with the kids and long dark winter days ahead.)

* Stock up on cold and flu season necessaries: vitamins/supplements, herbal teas, honey drops, medicines.

* Clean and inspect birdfeeders. Place seed order with wild bird store.

* Arrange fall mums, asters and pumpkins around front steps.

* Begin a holiday planner - assemble Thanksgiving and Christmas lists, etc.

* Start snapping potential Christmas card pictures.

* Refresh the nature table with autumn treasures.

* Launder cozy throw blankets; store in large basket handy to gathering areas.

* Set out fall book baskets.

* Set out autumn decor including table linens, candles, garlands and mini white lights.

* Decide on Halloween costumes early, allow for any orders/delivery time.

* Set up a gratitude tree ahead of Thanksgiving.

* Make and freeze pie crusts and sugar cookie dough for the holidays.

* Buy Christmas stamps at the end of October.

* Register to VOTE!

Now, I'm sure of two things: A. there are lots more items I could add to this list, and (or should I say, but), B. I'll never get around to doing all of them! As I like to say, though, it's a good thing to get it all down on paper. ;)

So, what tasks are on your fall housekeeping list? I'd love to hear your ideas, too!

