~*Friday's Agenda*~
~ The Feast of St. Martin of Tours ~

~*~November in the Learning Room~* ~


I don't know about you, but I just love getting a peek into other folk's homes, and as a homeschooler, I especially like to see learning rooms (spaces, corners, etc.). Learning "rooms" come in all shapes and sizes, and they might be official or not, but basically these are the areas of our home where concentrated learning takes place. Table-time, we sometimes call it. Of course, I like to think of the whole world as a learning space, but at home I try to provide a (somewhat) organized, nurturing, and inspiring environment for my children.

I'm forever tweaking these spaces (when I'm not just trying to keep them clean!) and, since I was working in there yesterday - and because the sun finally shone, creating just the right environment for pictures - here they are! :)

We work primarily in two spaces - the living room and the dining room (in which we hardly ever dine, lol). The older boys do most of their work at a table set up in the living room, while Earlybird and I tend to work more in the dining room (as well as on the family room floor) ...


Starting on the far left, the southern wall, I have a long bench perched under the windows. I'd like to make a soft cushion for this bench, making it a sort of window seat, but right now it's mostly a "holding zone." (FlyLady followers might recognize this as a hotspot.) When I am planning the week ahead, I bring all the boys' schoolbooks (etc.) out here to look over. At the far end of the bench is a wooden tray, my "in-box" for school-related materials. In the corner of the room is my file folder crate, and just beside that is yet another "in-box" - this one for non-school related stuff. (You can see my cat loves to sleep in this basket.) Below the basket is a shelf where I keep all the teacher manuals.


I should also point out that the bench has two shelves - one for paper (construction and scrap) and the other for newspapers. The two cupboards are relatively unusable right now, though that's not to say they're empty. ;)

As you can see below, this room is my primary workspace:


Later in the day I spread out some of my planning materials, the weekly file folders, my month-at-a-glance calendar, and, seen in the background is my Holiday Planner:


Next we have the Nature Corner. Nature study is a HUGE part of our home learning.


The shelves are filled with our nature-science materials, magnifying glasses, file boxes, bug catchers, etc. (More field tools will be added in time.) (And If anyone is wondering what all books we have here, I will try to make that a separate post.)

The top shelf is where I try to establish a stage, a feeling for the season at hand. Then we can add the mementos we find throughout the season.

How about a closer look? :)


November's Nature Prayer is on display:


      Give Thanks

within the sheltered space,

for seeds and roots

and mossy space.

Contained in every

season’s end:

The blessing to begin again.

Next we have a dried hydrangea from the garden, a prayer card for St. Francis (patron of nature), and the wooden earth element ...


The centerpiece of our Nature Shelf is always the bird's nest that is filled with tiny treasures like acorn caps, dried morels, red squirrel fur and a cicada's exoskeleton. Random little things - each one a lesson learned, a fond memory to recall. It's perched on a round of pine and standing nearby is our wooden turkey, our bird of the month.


I should mention the books I have on display here, a few of our November favorites:


In the far right corner we have the last Jack-be-Little from our garden and the start of our Grateful Tree (a post describing this project will come sometime this week).

Heading over the other side of the room, we find the rather lonely-looking bulletin board:


Not much to see here right now - I may take a break and then fix it up for Advent after Turkey Day has passed.

The dining room opens up to the kitchen and is separated by an L-shaped island. It is the short end of that L that I usually have all my "stuff" spread out. It's a good spot to stand and work, which is what I do through most of the day.


In the other corner of the room I have my personal bookshelves:


You've seen my craft shelf recently, but here it is again:


Most of my craft materials are stored in bins downstairs - remember the craft bin posts? - but I like to keep an assortment of timely materials on display for inspirational purposes. (In sight, in mind.)


The next shelf holds my "bills and budget" basket, a little bag I use for stashing receipts through the month and another basket for various office supplies (stapler, scissors, glue, etc.).


Then we have my homekeeping shelf: my favorite cooking magazine collection, and all my favorite home management books. From top to bottom:

I couldn't get a shot of the lower shelves, but they contain my seasonal/liturgical idea books, homeschooling reference books, children's poetry books and my Martha Stewart Kids collection. (FYI, I keep my cookbooks beside the stove.)

Now, the living room is still not really set up the way I want it. We have two bookcases in here, as well as my hope chest (another, ahem, holding zone). I am hoping to have our world map framed and hung in this room - perhaps after the holidays. But in the meantime, we set up this old craft table for the boys in front of the bay window. It gets lots of light and is a fairly quiet corner where the older two can get their "table work" done.


As you can see, we're still working on packing away the Halloween decorations. This table will come down in December to make room for the Christmas Tree.

I guess the other learning space we have is the kids' computer desk which is set up in a corner of the family room. Here we see Bookworm working on Lego Digital Designer.


Now the funny thing is, the original intent of my post was to describe the steps I take when planning out a new week - and here instead I bombarded you with pictures of my house! Well, I'll try to work on that post for the future, but I do hope you enjoyed this tour of our November learning spaces. Next month I'll be back with the Christmas revisions. :)

Have a great week, everyone. Thanks for stopping by!
