Getting Ready for Next Week
March 06, 2009
Keeping a home, managing a family and running a homeschool, as many of my readers know, is a full-time job - and then some! There is always just so much that needs to get done, and too many days when it (some of it, all of it) just doesn't. I try to take things a week at a time.
As much as I love outlining seasons and months, the nitty gritty of everyday life (meals, errands, appointments, lessons, activities) is best handled in small chunks. Weekly life demands closer attention.
I find having a system for planning and preparing ahead of time is my best shot at maintaining some semblance of order and balance. I'm always tweaking things, looking for ways to make this part of my job easier. There IS no perfect system, I've come to realize (if not quite accept). I can only do what makes sense for me and my family and try my best to keep at it.
With all that said, here's what I do ... more or less ... give or take. ;)
1. Pull out next week's folder from the file crate. Attach a planning sheet. (A planning sheet is just a fancy name for a sheet of this yellow pad I like to use.)
2. Open month @ a glance calendar; look over next week. Note events/appointments on planning sheet.
(Noted for next week: Full Sap Moon, National Mario Day, National Pi Day, Mums' Breakfast, Teen Night activity)
3. Look through current week's folder; pull out anything that can be re-filed into next week's folder (i.e. things that aren't going to get done this week).
4. Print out any emails or info. sheets for events next week; file in folder. For instance:
- a recipe for Grasshopper Pie (for National "Pi" Day)
- an email with info. for Bookworm's Teen Group activity
- maple leaf coloring page for Earlybird
- a recipe for Irish brown bread
5. Open library webpage; request any books for next week. (Tuesday is our library run day so I try to request loans this far in advance.) Print library sheets; add to folder.
6. Print out new marketing list for next week. (I'm still tinkering with the basic marketing list spreadsheet. Eventually I hope to have a document stored on my computer that is a list of all our usual groceries/sundries organized aisle-by-aisle.)
*By the way, I keep active weekly folders in the back of my calendar, secured to the back cover with a binder clip:
It keeps the items inside the folders secure, but convenient.
7. Clean kitchen. Go through fridge, freezer and cabinets (because tomorrow is trash day). Note anything that needs to be re-stocked on marketing list.
8. Empty bathroom trash. Check linen closet for items that need re-stocking. Update marketing list.
9. Organize trash and recycling.
1. Put out trash and recycling. (I don't mean to fool anyone into thinking I do this chore - this is all Bill, lol.)
2. Grocery store flyer arrives in morning paper. Read over and note items to purchase on marketing list.
3. Open week @ a glance page in calendar. (My calendar has both monthly and weekly planning pages.) Write out dinner menus for each day.
4. Begin a lesson plan for next week - individual goals for each subject and child will come later in the weekend. For now, I just think about the themes we're following and any activities/events to incorporate into our home learning. This includes nature study and any liturgical/seasonal crafts or projects.
5. Note materials needed on marketing list. (For example: Look for Mario-themed cupcake liners at the craft store.)
6. Clean learning room and family room.
1. Clean out pocketbook; file receipts in bill basket.
2. Organize coupons.
3. Finalize marketing/errands list for tomorrow.
4. Neaten learning room and work areas. Organize school books, notebooks and papers, etc.
5. Prepare newspaper payment envelope for morning.
6. Tidy around house as best as possible before weekend. Friday is usually a quiet at-home day, so I try to get the boys' work done early and then we spend the rest of the day working around the house. It is my goal to enter the weekend with the household caught up as much as possible.
Over the weekend, I do the food shopping and run any other errands early Saturday morning. I try to find a quiet time (or two) on Saturday and/or Sunday to sit down and putter. Puttering would include reading magazines and newspaper sections I've set aside, updating my journal with notes and clippings, going through my "slush pile" and working on projects. I also try to finalize the lesson plans for next week as much as possible.
And that, in a nutshell, is how I get ready for the next week. Some weeks, but not all. It's hard to get all these things done, let alone done in this order. I can say though, that the weeks I've planned and prepared in advance are invariably the weeks that run much better for us all.
Food for thought, anyway! As always, thanks for stopping by today ... I hope you all have a nice weekend. I'll be back again sometime soon. :)