Well, our first week is underway ...
September 09, 2009
... and I can tell I won't have a chance to post til the weekend - but I wanted to pop in quick just to say hi! This week we have lots going on - dentist, soccer practice, first Book Group of the year, first (ever) French class, NFL season kickoff (go PATS!), my homeschool group's annual planning meeting (where I take the minutes) AND the first soccer game of the year! Did I mention Bill is now a coach? Yep, he and my brother volunteered to co-coach Crakerjack's team. Should be an interesting and invigorating experience! (So says the parent who gets to make snacks and watch from the sidelines, lol.)
My work corner this year ...
And truth be told the flowers didn't last long - the cat kept trying to eat them.
The weather here is absolutely glorious - bright and cool - brisk even. Only in the 60s all week!
Love it.
See you all again sometime soon ...