Good Tuesday Morning!
January 05, 2010
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I can hardly believe another Christmas is coming to an end. I say this every year but really and truly - it all just FLEW by!
So we're getting back into the rhythm of everyday life here - slowly but surely. :) I have a couple of posts in draft, and I hope to get them up in the next day or two. It's a VERY busy week here - on top of all the regular back-to-life stuff going on this week (lessons, classes, clubs and the like), the kids have dentist appointments, I'm leading Book Group AND our Homeschool Support Group meeting (on the very same day!) and Bill and Crackerjack are preparing for their very first Cub scout camping trip!
By the way, the meeting I'm hosting on Thursday for my Support Group is all about the Basics of Blogging - and more specifically, how blogging can be used as a great homeschooling tool. If you have a blog, homeschooling or otherwise, and would like me to share it with my group Thursday night, please leave me a link below in the comments. Thanks so much!
Have a fantastic week, everyone ~ I'll be back here again soon!