Close Encounter of the Cute Kind
July 16, 2010
As I mentioned in this week's "Nature Notes," the other morning I had a neat encounter with a little red squirrel. As I approached the feeders, the squirrel sitting in the tray feeder did not run off as did the other creatures in the area. Instead, as I worked quietly around him, talking to him in a quiet voice, he held his ground and continued eating, seemingly patient with my company for the time. Well, this morning I made sure to have my camera in my pocket ... and yes he was there, and yes he kept calm, and yes, this is how close I actually got!
I'm *thisclose* to naming him, lol ...
The last picture I took after he finally left the feeder to perch on a branch above us and just peered at me with those shiny black eyes, cocking his head and staring me down. I think I was standing there taking pictures and "chatting" for about 5-10 minutes before I left him in peace.
This was such a special moment for a nature lover like me. :)