A Few Wildlife Pictures by Bookworm
July 08, 2010
A few recent specimens of interest - photos by Bookworm, notes by me. :)
The boys noticed the above creature while jumping on the trampoline. (Did I tell you all we got a trampoline recently? A fully enclosed, 14 foot tramp - it is such a big HIT!) NO idea what this critter could be - some kind of beetle, maybe? So crazy - and kind of creepy - looking. (A really great close-up by BW!)
The picture does not give justice to just how enormous this moth was. Bookworm spotted him in this shady nook on the west side of our house - oddly enough, right smack dab in the midst of all our birdfeeders. I guess he wasn't concerned about being eaten - he lingered here all day.
And here we have a rather acrobatic squirrel enjoying a bit of seed cake.
This little red squirrel fit nicely inside the appropriately-named squirrel feeder. He took a break from nibbling to stretch out and cool out a bit (it was 90 degrees on this day!). Also, it should be noted that when Bookworm took this picture we had a total of FIVE red squirrels at our feeders! The most we've ever had at one time - and needless to say we were thrilled. :)
Hope you've enjoyed our wildlife photos and "tales" from the yard. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!