Raptor at Recess!
March 30, 2011
Look who visited our "classroom" today!
I love living by the woods, but never so much as on a clear spring day, when things are just returning to life - there's so much to see, smell and hear! But what I really relish about the woods (especially as a homeschooler, and mom of three boys) is that they are such neat places for kids to explore and befriend ... they feel mysterious and homey at the same time.
Well, today we had our first woodland adventure of the new (natural) year. The boys were out having "recess" and I had just stepped onto the deck to call them in for lunch. Suddenly a large shadow moving swiftly through the woods caught my eye. Sure enough it was a huge bird of prey; it soared through the trees, landing near the river - just within eyesight (and camera range). Needless to say, we wasted no time getting a closer look!
(Though Crackerjack - mindful of our songbirds and squirrels - totally called me out on my questionable priorities: "Really, Mom? You're taking pictures before scaring it away?")
Bookworm already had the camera on him, so we all crept quietly (more or less) towards the river. For a moment - because he was so large and round - we wondered if we were looking at an owl. But as we got closer, we realized he was a hawk of some kind. (Thoughts?)
Isn't he just gorgeous?
This is the river above which he was perched ...
As you can see in these next photos the raptor at one point turned his attention on us. Most likely towards the (incessant) snapping noise coming from my camera.
He does look rather disgruntled doesn't he? I think I was wrecking his "game" lol.
Crackerjack was actually getting a bit anxious - worried the bird might take aim and come after the camera (and therefore me) ...
Yes, that is his trusty "Super Soaker" by his side - I'm certain had the bird actually attacked, my honor (along with my camera and person) would have been valiantly defended. ;)
After giving me the stink-eye, the hawk started to pace on the branch and fluff his feathers. Next thing we knew he was in flight once again - his destination this time, the underbrush on the far side of the river.
We spent a little more time meandering about. I handed Bookworm the camera, Earlybird tossed rocks into the river and Crackerjack looked for pine and spruce cones for his science project.
As we made our way back to our yard, a man who had biked past us a couple of times stopped to say hello and commented, "This is a pretty great classroom you have here!"
I'd say I'd have to agree!
Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope your day was nice, too. :) I can hardly believe March "goes out" tomorrow! Not quite like a lamb around here, if the forecast is to be believed. (And at the moment, it's quite unbelievable.)
Oh, and before I go! I want to thank everyone who helped out with yesterday's bird mystery. I was considering the wood thrush as Balisha suggested (because of its size and speckled breast), but after reading through your comments, I agree it is a fox sparrow. Which is pretty neat! Apparently this species is an uncommon migrant in these parts - so it's cool that we notice it every year in our yard.
Well, I'm off. Have a good night, my friends ... hope to see you again soon!