We took Nana to Neverland!
Friday Felines

Afternoon Peace (if not Quiet)


A neighborhood friend came over to play, and as usually happens on winter afternoons - when the light fades and the shadows grow - the boys get hungry early and come looking for a snack. Well, it just so happens to be a special feast day today, so I just so happened to have baked a tasty treat - some rather appropriately named cookies. (Thanks for the idea, Sue!)

The cookies were lightly frosted and dusted with golden sugar - just right for a feast day as lovely as this!


Not surprisingly, the boys thoroughly enjoyed those cookies ... while I thoroughly enjoyed those few minutes of quiet! ;)

Then they were off to play again, and I was off to start supper, but my eyes kept drifting to those pretty windows and the beautiful sky beyond ...

(I may not get a lot of quiet, but I do get my fair share of peace.)


From a magnet on my refrigerator:


It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.

It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

(Author unknown - but very wise.)


I hope you all have a wonderful evening ~ may it be filled with a little peace, a little quiet ... and maybe a few cookies, too! 
