Making My Marketing Binder
February 14, 2012
Good ❤ Morning, everyone!
Before I launch into my post, I'd like to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day! Whatever your plans, I hope your day is filled with much comfort and joy!
Now, about that binder ... :)
So a week or so ago I blogged about my coupon system - or woeful lack thereof - and many of you kindly shared why and how you "do coupons." One such person who shared what works for her was my friend Kim, who zipped me an email detailing her method (with handy links and everything). Her system was built around a binder - but a neat little binder - something easy to tote from store to store.
And because Kim used all Martha Stewart Home Office products, she had me at hello.
To make my own version, I purchased a small binder, tabbed dividers, top-loading sheet protectors with pockets, a zippered pouch and coordinating labels. (Not shown is a package of these pockets and I plan to purchase this style of filler paper at a later date.)
Here's the assembled binder ...
Up front I have a "holding zone" for the coupons I definitely want to use this week (for matching up with a sale or if a coupon is expiring).
Next comes my shopping list section. I may graduate to a pre-printed sheet, but for now I'll just use plain filler paper. This is where I'll write down what we need and organize my weekly errand run.
Next I have the dividers which are marked with general categories, i.e. baking, household, dairy, etc. (I used two packages, 10 tabs in all.)
And in between the dividers are the pockets holding coupons - pretty labels denote the type. For example, behind my "household/family" tab I have pockets designated as: laundry, pet care, medicine, batteries, soaps, tp & pt, etc.
At the very back I have a zippered pouch for restaurant, store and vendor coupons - like ones for Bertucci's Take Out, Harrow's Chicken Pies, the Hallmark store, Staples rewards, etc.
To give you a better feel of the size of the binder, here it is set next to a standard 3-ring binder.
And on the spine of the binder I used some alphabet stickers to label it "Marketing."
So now instead of toting a shopping notebook with my lists and clipped on timely coupons as well as an unwieldly accordian file for the rest of my coupons, I can just use this rather handy-dandy note-book. (Did you all hear Steve's voice just then?)
I'm really excited to try out this coupon system, and many thanks to Kim for sharing her idea!
Well my friends, I'm going to log off, and get this day rolling now ... the sun's on the rise, and I'd like to get some strawberry-banana breads in the oven before the boys get up. (The older boys that is - my EB is right here by my side - he'll be a great baking helper. :))
So have a nice day ... and if you have the time, swing back here later this afternoon to join me for tea. It is Tuesday after all!