Friday Photos (and a Few Felines)
Martha in my Corner

To Market, to Market ...

But first we must organize the coupons!


Yes, I finally went through my coupon stash and weeded out ones that had expired. (I can see just when it was I gave up on couponing - it was right between Thanksgiving and Christmas. All the expiration dates were in December!)

So once I trashed the useless coupons, I sorted through the ones I had left. (I have a small basket in which I toss coupons as I get them. Even though I haven't "couponed" in a couple of months I haven't stopped clipping!)

I then sorted the "good" coupons into my current coupon file:


I'm not overly fond of this plastic accordian file box, but it does the trick for now. I have such a hard time finding a coupon file (holder/organizer) I like. I may just have to make one, lol!

Hmmm ....

Once the coupons are all sorted and I've marked my shopping list with little ©'s (reminding me I have a coupon for those items), I place the file and shopping notebook in my pocketbook. 


And now I'm good to go ...


Well, have a great Saturday, my friends ... I'll see you again very soon!
