Fun Feast Day Food
March 19, 2012
Today is the Feast of St. Joseph, which in our house means ...
... homemade donuts!
Now, zeppoles are actually the traditional St. Joseph's Day donut, but I have yet to try making them myself. There are many fine bakeries in Boston's North End that make these special treats, and one year I will make the trek in! For the time being though, I will stick with our own humble basic donuts ... quite plain, but still special!
I know I've told you all about these donuts before ... they're really quite yummy, and since they're baked (not fried), they're not so bad for you, really. And you can use your own fresh ingredients - which means nutritious flours, all-natural flavors and organic eggs and butter, etc. Really, I think they're pretty special ... because you see, Earlybird has a sincere love for donuts (cider donuts, especially), but he cannot have commercially prepared donuts. (And yes, we do live in the heart of Dunkin' Donuts Land!) So I improvised and bought this donut pan years ago specifically so we could make our own awesome donuts (like these and these on special holidays).
These donuts are so good all on their own - soft, dense and cakey - they really don't need anything else, but they are fun to frost. EB and I prefer ours plain - but the older boys spread some leftover cream cheese frosting on theirs this morning.
Who needs Dunkin' Donuts, anyways?
And for supper tonight? Why, "Sloppy Joes," of course! Though I'm sure Good Saint Joseph was not at all a messy man, lol ... I still like to serve these on this day.
Well, the weather was absolutely glorious today ... 76 degrees and bright sun! Spring may officially arrive tomorrow, but it truly felt like Summer today! (It actually arrives just after midnight, EST - so we can say, "Happy Spring!" when we awake!)
A few "Spring Heralds" we encountered today:
A Mourning Cloak Butterfly and a Cabbage Butterfly in our front yard.
Many turtles of all sizes sunning themselves on a log in the pond.
Pink azaleas bushes in BLOOM.
... and ...
The street sweepers were out in the neigborhood!
(According to my boys, that's a SURE sign of Spring.)
Well, my friends ... I'm going to sign off, as those sloppy joes are not going to make themselves. Ah, but would that they could ...
So please have a good night and I'll see you again soon!