Happy First Day of Spring!
A New Batch of Weekly File Folders ...

Tuesday Tea ~ On the First Day of Spring

Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you've all had a nice day. :)

This was a busy day for me, and to be honest, I did not think I'd squeeze in that weekly tea break! But in the end I was able to, and though it was not a long break, it was just what I needed ...

And because I was dragging a bit, instead of my usual decaffeinated tea, I had a small cup of coffee. Just my regular brew, with a "half" sugar and a splash (or three) of cream. As I've mentioned here before, I'm a bit of a coffee fiend, but I don't often have it after mid-morning. However ... during one recent "errand day," I splurged on a "Caramel Almond Iced Coffee" at Dunkin' Donuts and it was ... So. Incredibly. Delicious.

I must admit I can't wait to try it again!

Well, I do adore almond flavor (not so much almonds though, oddly enough) ... and my "biscuit" today is a small Amaretti I picked up at our favorite local Italian bakery. To be honest, I found them a bit too sweet, so I think I might try making my own. This looks like a nice recipe here ... they'd be lovely at Easter, don't you think?

Now, for a few Springy thoughts ...

I thought the Mary Englebreit page-a-day calendar was especially lovely today:


And I thought my tiny snowdrops were quite charming, nestled in an old peppermint extract bottle.


I thought a lot about Easter celebrations today ...so I set up a handy planning folder ... and Mum and I talked menus and seating arrangements this morning. :)


I thought it was time to hang our forsythia wreath on the front door ...


... and nestle some pretty "robin eggs" in a cozy basket:


Those are actually candy-covered, caramel-filled chocolate eggs! But shhh ... don't tell the boys that! At least, not till Easter. ;)

And earlier today, I prepped all the veggies for tonight's Pasta Primavera


Love all those fresh veggie colors!

And speaking of those veggies ... I have them in the oven now (tossed with olive oil and seasonings) and they smell awesome! (In fact, as I just typed those words, both Crackerjack and Bookworm started sniffing the air and wondering "what smelled so good?" I just smiled and said ... "Vegetables!" Bookworm gave a nod, but CJ did not look amused. Lol.)

Now, I didn't do much spring cleaning and I didn't get any seeds planted today, nor did I catch up on emails as I'd hoped ... and we only did math and English and just a wee bit of art ... but I did spend a lot of time with my boys outside ... and we did locate spring peepers in the vernal pool out back. (That was very exciting.)

So tomorrow I'll play a little catch up, but for now, I'll just appreciate what today was, and try not to worry about what it coulda-shoulda been.


My friends, I hope you have a nice night ... and as always, thanks so much for stopping by. I will see you again very soon!
