Yellow, More Yellow, Purple and Green ...
March 26, 2012
So very New England.
And a tiny cache of eggs snuggled in the boughs of a forsythia ...
(Now - true confesson - I snuck this "pretend" nest into the forsythia just for this photo op ... EB thought I was very sneaky, trying to "trick the birds." Lol.)
But truly, the forsythia is in full bloom right now ... and it's so very early!
This neat little thing was found behind our fence at the edge of the woods. I think it's a hyacinth that self-seeded here (with the aid of a bird or critter most likely).
But what a neat surprise!
Everything is coming to life it seems ... buds and leaves are sprouting everywhere. Here is one of our lilac bushes:
So no, we didn't get those seeds planted, but tomorrow should be a quieter day so perhaps we'll work that activity in somewhere.
I also had thought of making a ring cake today (in honor of today's feast), but not only did I not have the time (I sound like a broken record!), we already have a good bit of dessert in the house, and I don't like to overdo. But we did have a big waffle breakfast yesterday (another traditional feast food) so I guess we'll count that. ;)
Well, tonight's supper is already baking away - a beef pie from a local farm is in the oven and it smells AMAZING. Beef pie might seem like a rather "wintry" dish, but really, on a blustery day like this - and paired with spring vegetable sides - it feels just right. :)
So I'm going to sign off for just now ... but I'll be popping into the Masterpiece Monday thread a bit later tonight. Looking forward to catching up with you all there ... and here again of course, sometime tomorrow ...