A Fine Spring Day
Happy Earth Day!

Friday Goodies

Happy Weekend, my friends! I hope you all had a nice day.

I didn't have much time to work on a post today, but I still wanted to pop in tonight and show you all a few things if I could. First of all ... here's the first batch of Bake Sale goodies, all ready to go!

Friday goodies 1

Aren't these cake pops pretty? My friend Amanda and her children made them and she delivered them to my house today since she can't be at the Sale itself tomorrow. I'm so excited! It's starting to feel real!

Alas, I'm a bit behind on my own baking, but so far I got the rainbow blondies done ...

Friday goodies 4

... though I still have dulce de leche cereal bars to make as well as some strawberry muffins.

Can't you just smell these beauties?

Friday goodies 6

I'm also working on the posters and signs ...

Friday goodies 5

... and I'm so in love with my new pens!

Friday goodies 2

I haven't had markers of my own in some time. And these are my favorite kind ... I had Pentel pens when I was a young girl and I'm thrlled they are still made the same way - right down to the size, style, packaging, font, etc!

And just because it's so pretty and colorful, here's a peek into a new little book I bought.

Friday goodies 7

A charming "new" take on the beloved hymn, "All Creatures Great and Small." The illustrations are so sweet.

And here is, perhaps, my favorite "Friday Goodie" of all:

Friday Wine

A glass of Barefoot Merlot, my favorite red wine. :)

Happy Weekend, indeed!

So I may be a bit scarce this weekend, due to tomorrow's Bake Sale, but I'll take LOTS of pictures and will return just as soon as I can to catch up with you all ...

But if I may - before I go - could I ask for your prayers and good thoughts on behalf of our Bake Sale tomorrow? I'm ridiculously a bit nervous because I've never done this before, and though everything seems to be coming together, I can use all the help I can get! If you remember, my homeschool mama friends have generously supported my wish to hold a Bake Sale for Autism Speaks. I have a great group of lovely women advising me, baking for me, and helping me at the table all day ... I'm blessed to have such support!

You know, I've always wanted to run a bake sale ... and of course, autism is an issue near and dear to our hearts. So I am doing this for our Earlybird, but in a way, I'm doing this for me too. It will be fun, certainly (and fulfill that lifelong "bake sale" dream of mine) but it will feel so good to raise money for this worthy, and very personal, cause. Because when we support those who are affected by autism, we support those who love them as well. :)

Thank you so much everyone - for your prayers, for your time, and as always, for your very kind attention.

Good Night and God Bless!
