And the embroidery kit winner is ...
Thoughtful Thursday: A Job and a Blessing!

Busy Days Ahead!

I'm still working on our homeschool plans for the new year (post to come soon!) but I can now happily report that Bookworm is officially enrolled in his first college class ever! As part of the Dual Enrollment Program, high school students (including homeschoolers) can take college courses for both high school and college credit. Bookworm will be taking Calculus this fall (two evenings a week) at a local community college, and I think it will be quite an experience!

As I said to friends earlier today: I can't believe I have a child "heading to college!" I must admit I'm feeling kind of old ... old, but proud. ;)

Have any of your kids participated in dual enrollment? And if so, how did they like it?

Also ...  just to keep ourselves extra busy, lol ... Bookworm and I have volunteered to teach religious ed. (aka CCD) at our church. We'll be co-teaching fourth graders two Sundays a month ... and needless to say, that should also be interesting!

More to come on our curriculum and activities this year ... I have orders to place, supplies to gather, schedules to nail down, and a whole learning room to put back in order ...

{How I love this time of year!}

Hope you're all having a good Wednesday ... see you here again very soon!
