Happy Monday, my friends!
For this week's topic, I'd like to talk about kids and money and household responsibilities ... so here are my questions for you:
1. Do you give your children an allowance, and if so, must they earn it by doing chores?
2. How do your children handle their money - deciding what to spend, save, and give?
3. Do your children have jobs outside the home?
My answers:
1. Our children receive an allowance, and while it's not tied specifically to chores, there is the understanding that being a member of this family means helping where you can and when you're asked.
2. We allow the kids to decide how much to spend, save and give (and it's their responsibility to keep track of their allowance), but recently we've asked them to make some thoughtful decisions about this system ... especially in regards to giving.
3. Bookworm does lawn work and pet sitting for relatives and neighbors. Crackerjack does weeding for my dad and earns a tidy sum for himself each week. (My dad insists on paying the boys even though I insist he not, lol.)

And here is the breakdown of our kids' chores. We don't post a checklist - for the most part, they just know what they're expected to do - although, reminders are certainly helpful!
Bookworm (17):
keep room/bed neat
take care of his stuff (clutter)
help with end-of-day neatening
refresh cats' water
brush cats
play with cats
fill birdfeeders
empty dishwasher
put out trash & recycling
help Dad with lawn (mowing, raking, etc.)
help Dad with snow shoveling
clear dishes
bring in groceries
cook some smaller meals for himself (bagels, sandwiches, salads, reheating)
vacuum (on occasion)
assist with carpentry and household repairs
keep track of library bag
babysit (on occasion)
Crackerjack (13 next week):
keep room/bed neat
take care of his stuff (clutter)
help with end-of-day neatening
fill cats' dry food dish
brush cats
play with cats
help fill birdfeeders
empty dishwasher
some food prep (getting his own toast/cereal/fruit/sandwiches/snacks)
put out trash & recycling
help with lawn care (weeding, raking, mulch, etc.)
help with snow removal (cleaning off cars)
clear dishes
bring in groceries
vacuum (on occasion)
Earlybird (10, special needs)
make his bed/help keep his room neat
water plants
help with garden
help with birdfeeders
neaten toys and clutter
help clear dishes
help with some cooking
help with compost
help with dusting, sweeping
help wash/dry laundry
Currently, I'm trying to work on a better sense of budgeting so that my boys understand that it's important to be thoughtful with our money. I'm even considering going to a cash budget for a time so we can all see just where and how quickly the weekly monies go. It's so easy to whip out a card at the cash register but if you've gone over budget it's not as readily apparent ...
Bottom line ~ money is not something to be taken for granted, and being smart about how we spend means we can save - and give - more. And our responsibility extends beyond a simple list of chores ... it means being careful with, and grateful for, all that we have.
Well, my friends, if you have a moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this subject. I know it tends to be a hot topic! But as always, I thank you for stopping by and wish you a good day ...
See you here again very soon!
Happy Friday, my friends! It's time for a little Q&A catch-up!
"It would be lovely to know about all of your [home management binder] sections but most especially your blog planning, prayer section and homeschooling section :) Thanks for sharing!" ~ Posted by: CeAnne @ Sanctus Simplicitus
CeAnne, here's a look at what I keep in those sections:
* In my "Personal/Blog/Writing" section, I keep a running list of post ideas and suggestions, as well as notes for other writing projects and personal hobbies.
* In my "Prayer Book," I keep a running list of prayer intentions. I used to have a box for this purpose, but it was out of the way and nobody seemed to use it. These days, when something comes up - a need or request for prayer - I can write it down here.
* Behind my "Home Education" tab, I have copies of the current education plans and any correspondence with the school. I don't keep my actual lesson planning here (at least not presently) because it's just too big.