Friday Felines ~ by the Boys
Masterpiece Monday: Call the Midwife (ep. 2)

Bookworm's Confirmation!

It was on Saturday and it was a wonderful day!

Confirmation 1

Bookworm is pictured above with his Papa (my dad, his sponsor) and Aux. Bishop Peter Uglietto of Boston. What a nice man ... the Mass was beautiful.

Arriving at the college ...

Confirmation 6

(Our church did not have enough room to hold all the candidates, their sponsors and families, so the Mass was held at a local Catholic college.)

The altar looked beautiful ...

Confirmation 12

Confirmation 8

Such a proud moment, watching Bookworm process in with all the candidates.

Confirmation 13

We were not allowed to take photos during Mass, but here we all are, outside about an hour and a half later ...

Confirmation 2

(My brother Matt stayed home with Earlybird who was very sick last week and is still recuperating.)

Bill and I could hardly believe this young man was our little boy!

Confirmation 9

But he'll always be our little boy, right? And in a few years it will be Crackerjack's turn!

Confirmation 4

By the way, Bookworm took "Thomas" as his Confirmation name. It's a family name, and St. Thomas Aquinas has always been special to him.

Here is the cake ...

Confirmation 11

(It read, "God Love Bookworm," only with his real name, of course, lol. Oh, I had such grand plans for this Confirmation cake ... but a series of events this past week conspired to keep me from spending much time and energy on the project. Still, it tasted good and looked very "boyish!")

And here is Bookworm with his Confirmation Punch ...

Confirmation 5

"Per Request."


So it was a very lovely day - a milestone for Bookworm as a young man and a Catholic, and a wonderful memory for our family.

Well my friends, thanks so much for stopping by today ... I hope you're all enjoying your weekend!

See you here again very soon ...
