Thoughtful Thursday: Crazy Cravings
October 25, 2012
"To a certain extent, these suddenly eccentric (and sometimes borderline bizarre) eating habits can be blamed on hormonal havoc, which probably explains wy they're most common in the first trimester of first pregnancies when that havoc is at its height." ~ What to Expect When You're Expecting
Ok, ladies - let's talk pregnancy cravings!
Now, I'm only in my 10th week, so I have some time before I pull out of the first trimester and (fingers crossed) the near-constant queasiness that comes with it. (For some of us, certainly not all - I had it with my two older boys but not with Earlybird.)
I'd say about 90% of my waking day I feel completely apathetic about food - nothing appeals to me at all. The other 10% is spent either feeling hungry enough to eat or suddenly and wildly ravenous for some random kind of food. And all the while in between, I'm popping Tums for heartburn.
(Fyi, take those percentages with a grain of salt - math is not my thing, lol!)
When I was pregnant with the boys I craved all things "lemon" (especially lemon danish!) and big salads - with lots of dressing, chopped tomatoes and croutons. But those were pretty subtle cravings - more like preferences, really. So far with this pregnancy, I have been hit by wacky out-of-the-blue cravings for the most random things!
Like yesterday - I spent most of the day feeling seriously queasy, but around 4:00 I was resting in bed (if you can believe that, lol) when I suddenly had the strongest urge to eat a tuna fish sandwich - with extra mayo and lots of pickles! And I needed it like, ten minutes ago!
So I hurriedly checked my pregnancy bible for any precautions on tuna and then tore off to the kitchen to assemble myself said sandwich. Fortunately, we had tuna and mayo and a loaf of fresh Italian bread ... but alas, no pickles. (None of us are fond of pickles, so we hardly ever have them in the house!) I ate the sandwich and it was perfect - for about 10 minutes - and then I just felt sick about it, lol.
I've also craved pungent flavors like hummus, sharp cheddar, ketchup and extra sauce on my pasta.
(All very strange things for a girl with GERD, lol.)
So anyways, I was wondering what other women have craved when they were pregnant. Was it the same with each pregnancy or did your cravings differ from child to child? Were they stronger in one trimester over another?
I'm just being curious - nosy even - and I thought I'd ask.
Please leave a comment if you have time, but as always, I thank you for stopping by and wish you all a good day!