Weekly Bits of Domestic Bliss
Christmas Candle Winner!

Scents of the Season & a Candle Giveaway!

Yankee candle giveaway 2

Don't you just love Yankee Candles? :)

Well, Crackerjack bought the above candle for a Secret Santa gift - cute, right? - and wouldn't you know it, but there was a special that day at the Hallmark store: "buy one get one free." So CJ gave me permission to "raffle" off the extra candle at my blog!

Now, to enter our giveaway contest, please answer the following question:

What is your favorite Christmas (or winter holiday) scent? And how do you work that particular scent into your season?

As for me well, I'm not sure I can pick just one! I love peppermint and gingery spices, but perhaps my favorite of all the lovely holiday scents is the fresh smell of evergreen ... and my favorite way to experience it is in the form of a Christmas tree!

We tried a fake tree for a few years (for allergies and cat reasons) but I truly missed that wonderful evergreen scent. There's just nothing like it at Christmas. :)

By the way, Crackerjack's favorite Christmas scent is "eggnog," while Bookworm's is "gingerbread" ... and Earlybird's is very simply, "cookies!" And I bet you can guess the way they all like to experience those kinds of smells. ;)

So how about you? What scent makes the season for you?

On Friday morning afternoon we will (randomly) choose a name from the comments and announce the winner here at my blog ...

So good luck, my friends! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the "scents of the season" and as always, I wish you a happy day!

