Organizing the Nest Survey, Part 4 ~ File Folders & Paper Management
January 22, 2013
Good morning, my friends! Hope your week's off to a great start. :)
I must thank you all again for the wonderful comments you've been leaving throughout this survey. I'm just relishing each one, and I truly appreciate the time you've taken to leave such thoughtful and thorough responses. My plan is to follow up this survey with a post (or more likely, posts) detailing my own answers to all these questions - and while that sounds rather ambitious at the moment, lol, that's my intention! I'll need some time to digest (and tweak!) before I start posting my thoughts, but I will definitely be addressing all these topics from my own perspective. :)
(Fyi, upcoming survey topics include family finances, home education, seasonal planning (faith & nature), arts/crafts & hobbies, reading materials, correspondence, domestic storage: clothes/toys/etc.)
Ok, then! Our 4th organizational topic is file folders - those plain or colored (or even patterned) manila tabbed folders that we use in a filing cabinet (or basket, bin, drawer). These basic office supplies have been around for ages for good reason - they're practical, flexible and really quite indispensible!
I'm quite a file folder fan as you can tell. :)
I'm also touching upon paper management - how do you tame the paper tiger in your household?
So, I have 4 questions for you today:
1. Do you use file folders for organizing?
2. Where/how do you store them?
3. Where do you keep the "paper materials" you need to handle in a given week?
(Ex. info for activities, recipes to try, permission slips, things to act on/follow up on/read?)
4. Where do you keep "paper materials" you don't need on a regular basis?
(E.g. warranties, insurance matters, health records, sports & clubs info, education plans, etc.?)
Now, I've blogged A LOT about how I use file folders (as part of my file crate system), but I also use them for our general household files and temporary recipe storage. I absolutely adore file folders! And if the number of "hits" my file folder posts get is any indication, so do a lot of you! ;)
Currently I'm fine-tuning how I use my file folders as part of my overall planning. I just love my weekly folder and its contents and its planning page - it really helps me focus on this ONE WEEK, which is really the way I regard our home and educational life: What is THIS WEEK all about?
(For a quick look at how I set up my "FCS" folders and what I keep inside them, please this post and its follow-up.)
And to comment on - or read comments on - the previous topics in this series, please click on the following links:
1. to-do lists (daily and someday)
2. family food
3. calendars
(Remember - each time you comment your name is entered in the contest!)
Well, I hope to hear from you! Goodness knows I do love me some file folder talk!
Have a great day, everyone! See you here again sometime soon ...