A New Year, A New Love ...
Rambling Thoughts on Handwriting ~ a Fond, yet Fading Art

Thankful Thursday

Now, it goes without saying there are many BIG things for which I am grateful today - and everyday - my health, my family, my children (all FOUR of them)! But today I'd like to think about a few small yet beautiful blessings ...

I am grateful for my memory and my attachment to simple sentiments ... like tinting carnations in January ... this year it's blue for the Blessed Mother. 


I love the way happy traditions weave their way through our family life.

For a warm and cozy bed to snuggle in at night.


Mounds of freshly laundered flannel and cotton ...

For catching the sunrise every morning ... I can't remember the last one I missed! Sure, EB gets us up crazy-early every day but clearly it has kept us in training for the new baby this summer. ;)


A winter sunrise is particularly striking.

For puttering time ... sitting somewhere comfortable, maybe with a cup of tea, and just letting my thoughts unravel. Catching them on crisp paper and sorting them into pretty binders. 


January is a lovely time for organizing one's thoughts ...

Dear friends, what are you thankful for on this bright and brisk winter's day?
