Two of My Boys ❤
A Sign of Spring?

Masterpiece Monday: Downton Abbey Season 3, Episode 5

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Good Monday to all ~ and how did you like last night's show?

It was a quieter affair, and naturally so, as the family's grief is so fresh, but I found myself slightly dissatisfied on a couple of points ...

I find this strange to say, but I was hoping for a longer separation (such as it was) between Cora and Robert. I liked that she was expressing her hurt and resentment. And I didn't like it that the Dowager Countess bullied Dr. Clarkson into fudging his findings on Sybil's chances with a C-section. I know Lady Violet only had her family's best interests at heart, but I felt this made the doctor compromise his integrity as well as his medical opinion.* Plus, Robert - who continued with his stubborn, boorish behavior in this episode - got off a little easier than I would have liked. Perhaps that's mean to say because I know the man is also grieving for his daughter - like he said to Cora, his mistake doesn't mean he misses her any less. But still he doesn't seem to be learning any lessons here ... and my palm itches to slap him more and more with each scene.

(*ETA: Perhaps I read that scene wrong - was Dr. Clarkson actually stretching the truth? Or were the odds in fact never in Sybil's favor at all? I wasn't sure what his final admission was on that point.)

The other thing I found slightly dissatisfying was the fast & tidy wrap-up of the Bates situation. Not that I'm not glad to have it done at last, because that storyline really dragged on, but when Anna suddenly appeared with a letter saying all was done and over I was surprised. That was that? Final details, anyone? Ands so now Mr. Bates can return to Downton, but oooh ... what will that mean for Thomas? The snake-like valet seems poised to receive a whole bunch of rejection next week ...

And not to rush his grieving, but I'm itching for Branson to find what he's meant to do - I feel if there could be a position somewhere at Downton (a farmer like his grandfather perhaps?) he could be his own man and yet still keep his daughter close to his late wife's family. He'll need all the help he can get after all. Can he work with Matthew in some way to bring Downton back up to snuff? Branson's abrasiveness has turned me off now and again throughout the seasons, but I am very glad that he is not taking any guff re his daughter. She will be named as he wishes and baptised as a Catholic, as it should be. She's HIS daughter for goodness sakes! That scene around the dinner table when everyone ganged up on Robert in defense of Catholicism was just great - and I was SO proud of Mary for sticking up for Branson here and supporting Sybil's last wishes, too ...

And that said, I softened a little towards Mary in this episode ... but oh boy, if that bedroom scene between her and Matthew wasn't foreshadowing I don't know what was! (No spoilers please - I am aware of some cast changes for next year but know nothing more than that.)

LOVED the scenes with Daisy ... I would love to see her take on that farm from William's father. I can see her happy there, making her jars of jams and baked goods. Wouldn't that be nice for her? And I'm glad to see the tide turning a little with regards to the Alfred/Ivy/Daisy/Jimmy quadrangle. Daisy seems to be sorting things out but, Alfred - get a clue! Ivy - wake up! Jimmy - stop listening to O'Brien! Lol.

And O'Brien is pushing her agenda along, now teasing Thomas with hints that Jimmy is interested too. Cringe. What is she hoping to see happen? Jimmy will be forced to act on his disgust and/or Thomas will do something untoward and the whole deal will be exposed to Carson who will then - as O'Brien hopes - make Alfred first footman?

And oh Carson ... you love your family that's for sure, but lighten up a little would you? His words to Mrs. Hughes were especially harsh - though I loved that she took them in stride with a shrug and a slight eye roll. (Mrs. Hughes continues to be my favorite character in the series - a voice of sense and compassion in every situation.)

Oh, and hooray for Ethel! I was very happy to see her being proactive for once - seeking help from Mrs. Patmore and delivering those flowers to Downton when she knows she is hardly welcome. Now she just needs to get her son back ... maybe someday?

Previews for next week ... 

It appears Edith takes the newspaper job despite her father's displeasure, and Matthew gets rather heated in his confrontation with Robert. Bates returns home to a hearty welcome ... and it appears, his old job. There's a jolly game of cricket on the lawn ... and just who is this dancing, giggling Rose?

Only a few weeks more, right? I believe the last episode airs on February 17th? And while I'm anxious to see how things wrap up, I'm sad that things will be coming to an end. What a lovely show this is ...

So give me your thoughts, my friends - how did you find last night's episode? What are you thoughts on where things might be going?

And as always, have yourselves a good Monday ... I'll see you here again sometime soon!

