Masterpiece Monday: Downton Abbey Season 4 Premiere!
Another Update on Earlybird

Am I right ...

Coffee sign

Or am I right?


I found this clever sign in my stocking and boy did it make me laugh ... because every morning after Bill's gone downstairs with the ever-early-rising Earlybird (we're talking 4 or 4:30 here, folks) and after the not-one-for-sleeping-so-much Little Bear has woken to nurse (usually a few minutes later) I use my handy-dandy iPhone, and whichever thumb is free, to text one word to Bill, and one word only ...

I bet you can guess what that is.


Well my friends, I hope you're all having a good week so far ... anyone else simply exult in that first cuppa coffee each morning?

See you here again very soon!
