Signs of ... well, not spring exactly, but ...
A Slow, Snowy Sunday

Organizing Our Liturgical Shelves

Lit shelf 4

Some of you might remember that in our old house we had a huge bookcase in the family room that held, amongst other things (namely, a fish tank and monster trucks), our liturgical shelf. This was my main spot for storing and displaying those items we use for celebrating the Faith at home: books, candles, rosary beads, figurines and prayer cards, etc.

And books. Did I mention books? :)

Well, we've been in our new home for several months now, and the unpacking is still slow going. But I finally got around to setting up our liturgical shelf, and I thought you all might like a look ...

Lit shlf 1

Now, this is a much smaller, unfinished wooden bookcase, and it still needs to be painted - we always held off because we were not sure where we'd use it. I think it would look nice here in a soft white to match the living room's woodwork. That will be a future spring weekend project.

Lit shelf 11

The top shelf holds a small candelabra. I forget where I bought this (TJ Maxx?) but it was very inexpensive. I thought it would serve nicely for intentions. I have a supply of "real" tealights that were blessed on Candlemas, so I wanted these candles kept out of reach. 

Lit shelf 3

The next shelf down is dedicated to our family patron, Saint Francis. I plan to use this as our nature shelf, as well. For me, there is much crossover between the liturgical and natural seasons, and I like to find ways to tie them together, and celebrate them both with my family.

{For instance, I love finding Michaelmas daisies along the roadside in late September, just before the Feast of Archangels ... we search out pussy willows for Palm Sunday crafts ... "catch" snowflakes for St. Agnes ... and on Pentecost we explore the elements of fire and air. I find these kinds of simple, repetitive actions really appeal to children and help them remember what happens when ... and why.}

Lit shelf 6

(Oddly enough I also have my collection of Everyday Food magazines here and that's just because they fit perfectly and I figure they add a nice colorful backdrop.)


The next shelf down holds our main Catholic book collection and is graced by a pair of beautiful sheer curtains. These liturgical valances were a gift from my dear friend Debbie and the set also includes a pair of purple-trimmed sheers for Lent/Advent. I had Bill help me set up the valance rod.

Lit shelf 7

Aren't they just lovely? 

And then of course we have books ...

Lit shelf 8 

Lots and lots of books!

Lit shelf books up close

Liturgical idea books, children's storybooks (arranged by season) and bibles, Catechism, etc. I have many more books still packed - these will be stored in the cupboard at the base of this bookcase.

Bottom shelf ...

Lit shelf 5 

The brass crucifix was made by my maternal great-grandfather, and the Marian statue once belonged to my paternal grandmother. A pretty ivory (led) candle stands in front of the crucifix as well as two beautiful board books for Earlybird (and Little Bear) to peruse. The art print is part of a monthly picture-study program.

Lit shelf 2

 I like the way the shelves fit here, and it feels good to have our special things all set up again! As you can see by this picture, I spend a good bit of time in this room (note the baby's play zones!) and it's become a sort of haven for me. The soothing colors, the pretty glass door (that can shut, lol), my desk and comfy seating ... Bill calls this "Mama's Room" and I have to agree.


Well, thanks so much for stopping by today, and allowing me to share a little corner of our home. I'll post more on this room as it all comes together ...

But for now, enjoy your Thursday, my friends, and I'll see you here again sometime soon!
