And so it begins ...
June 30, 2014
Happy Monday, my friends!
Well, I hope you all had a nice weekend! It was quite a BIG weekend around here ... lots going on, popping around, out and about, but mostly because a certain Little Bear we all know and love began ...
(It's hard to show "motion" in photos, but I promise you, this boy's on the move!)
This should not have come as a surprise to us, of course - over the past couple of weeks, LB has been taking a tentative step here and there, but this weekend he really got things rolling. He began standing from a crouch (that is, without using anything to pull himself up) and walking a few steps on his own before stopping himself as if in shock, lol. Sometimes he just sits back down, and sometimes he fusses a little and wants me to pick him right up. He's not one for change this boy, much like his mama ... but oh, the changes are always a-comin with these little ones, aren't they? Things are about to get very intresting around here ...
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away
So Little Bear is 13 months old now (as of a few days ago), which I think is about average for walking. Bookworm was 14 months and Crackerjack was 12 months ... Earlybird was quite late - around 20 months, as all of his developmental milestones we were well off the mark.
How old were your children when they began walking? If you have a moment, please let me know in a comment below.
As always, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in our joy. Enjoy your evening, and I'll see you here again very soon!