Happy (Friday)
June 13, 2014
Yesterday Little Bear woke from his afternoon nap a bit cranky ... so I brought him into my bedroom and laid him down on my bed where I was folding some laundry. Well, it must have been the perfect snuggly spot, because the boy just fell right back into a deep sleep. So I kept folding and a few minutes later I noticed LB had started giggling. He was still sound asleep, mind you - but he was giggling!
So I grabbed my phone and started taking pictures ...
(Super quietly, of course.)
Must have been a good dream!
Well my friends, I hope that was a little something happy to brighten your day. And I hope you all have yourselves a nice Friday - Friday, the 13th, mind you ... and a full moon as well! Now, admittedly, I can be a bit supersitious sometimes (it's the Irish in me, after all) but Friday the 13th is, and always will be, a most fortunate and blessed day in my book ... because my Crackerjack was born on Friday, August 13th!
Have yourselves a great weekend, everyone ... see you here again very soon!