Lenten Meal Planning
February 13, 2015
Good Friday morning, my friends!
Some of you saw this picture on my Facebook page last night, but I'm sharing it here, too ... because it just makes me so happy to see Lenten specials in my grocery store circular! For one thing it reminds me - it's that time of year again! - and for another, it's nice to think that even a giant supermarket chain is aware of certain faith traditions. Here we have delicious treats for Mardi Gras (or Shrove Tuesday as I like to call it), and plenty of seafood specials for "Fishstick Fridays."
But anyway, it reminded me that Ash Wednesday is but a few days away! And during Lent, we abstain from meat on Fridays (some folks do so all year), so my weekly menus must be adjusted. But I'm a bit compromised in that Bill is not a fan of fish - so fish sticks are served at weekday lunch only!
I was wondering, then, if I might ask you all about your favorite meatless meals?
Also, if you observe Lent in your home, do you have some specialties you always look forward to through the season?
For me that would be a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, corned beef on St. Patrick's Day, baked donuts on St. Joseph's Day, homemade custard on Rose Sunday and a lovely brunch on Palm Sunday ... etc.
Here's an old post about this very subject, one I plan to read over later today, but I think it's always good to revisit a topic when it's timely. Happily, there are always new thoughts to share ... as well as new voices to share them!
In the meantime, it's a bitterly cold day here - highs in the teens - and there's another snowstorm arriving tomorrow evening. Happy Valentine's, indeed! I have no idea where we'll put another foot of snow, but I guess we'll need to figure that out!
(Needless to say, Spring seems an awfully long way away ...)
Enjoy your Friday, my friends ... see you here again very soon!