Thoughtful Thursday: August Gardens
Creating Seasonal Themes: Corn Week!

My New Daybook! (post two)

Dayplanner 6

Well, as promised, here is a second and closer look at the daily planner I am now using. The story behind this recent purchase is here, but just to recap - this is a $20 Blue Sky "Day Designer" daily planner which I found at Target last month. I had been looking for something I could use for planning the details of my day ... large enough to write it all down, but of a size that would be easy enough to tote around. This planner seemed to fit the bill - and it was awfully pretty to boot!

I'll get into how I'm actually using it in a moment, but here's a look at the basics ...

Dayplanner 4

Overall dimensions are 8.5" x 10" x about 1" thick and the binding is a metallic coil. It all feels very sturdy, the pages so far have resisted any ripping and the paper itself offers a smooth writing surface. I have yet to do much with the cover - as you can see the gold and white stripes are pretty shiny! Metallics are not really my style, but I have seen other DD users add full-page stickers to change the look. Hmmm ... There is a plastic cover (and backing) that mutes the glare a bit (and protects the cover from scuffs, spills, etc.).

Here is the inside title page ...

Dayplanner 5

There are some goal planning pages in the front section; I haven't done anything with them yet, but they offer good food for thought ...

Dayplanner 5 (1)

In addition to the daily pages there are monthly calendars, with each month displayed in a nicely-sized, two-page spread. I really appreciate the lined boxes!

Dayplanner 3

(Sorry some of these pics are a bit dark - it was a dreary day so the light was not great for photo-taking!)

And I will say, the teal blue palette is not my favorite, but it's growing on me. We planner junkies are wickedly picky, aren't we? ;) I am thinking of shading the monthly grids to reflect the seasons ... either natural or liturgical or both. Seasonal stickers would be fun here, too.

But here's how I'm using the daily page itself:

Dayplanner 7

 (Note: This is a dummy copy of an unused July page adorned with colorful washi tape so I can highlight the different sections in this post ... I don't actually use this much tape on my pages!)


The pink sticky note at the top of the page is for reminding me what our seasonal theme is for that week. (I have one for each week of the year, natch.)

Along the top of the page I jot down the weather for that day. I'm also a bit of a weather junkie ... :)

Left-hand column:

Here is the basic agenda for 6 a.m. through 8 p.m. I have designated 8 a.m. as breakfast, 12:30 p.m. as lunch and 6 p.m. as supper. We don't always eat exactly at those times, but close enough. Here is where I'll plan what we're having for those meals. Otherwise I use this column as it's intended - for appointments and activities, drop-off and pick-up times. I may try color-coding here but not sure ...

Middle column:

I'm using "Today's Top Three" for what I feel is "of note" about that day. Like, if it's someone's birthday or if it's a holiday or feast day or a full moon or meteor shower or something.

Under the "To-Do" column I use the first lines for my day's housekeeping chores. (My weekly routine, a la Monday is bedrooms, Tuesday is bathrooms, etc.) After those first lines are filled, I add the other to-do's for that day ... things that really should be done TO-day. (As opposed to sometime this week or month ...)

In the "Tonight" space I jot down if there's anything that will take us (and who) out in the evening or if there's something on TV or something I'd like to work on once the younger boys are asleep.

Right-hand column:

At the top there is a daily quote which is really nice. I add the title of a new book I'm starting here.

The Notes section is spacious and handy, but because I have my whole domestic journal I don't need to confuse myself too much with where to put random bits of information. So here in this space I am keeping only notes that pertain to the "to-do's" column - for example, any extra tasks that go along with the housekeeping calendar. (Eg. this Monday's extra bedroom chores are cleaning baseboards and registers, shutters and blinds.)

In the bottom space, labeled, "Gratitude" I am currently writing down things I want to reflect on or pray about.

I also keep a small post-it note somewhere on the page for this week's blog ideas.

And that's it! In the back of the planner there are plenty of lined note pages. I have no immediate plans for how I'll use those - probably just for random thoughts if I'm out and about and need someplace to record something quickly. 


Here's an actual page from last week ...

Dayplanner 2

 I keep my Day Designer in my command zone (aka the kitchen countertop), right next to my homekeeping binder (which is kept open to my current journaling page). It's all parked right in front of the file crate bin.

Now, there is a whole Facebook group devoted to talking about their Day Designers and how they use them/decorate them/love them, etc. I am amazed at how much people play around with the pages, and even the tabs themselves. Some folks add a lot of inspirational stickers and even punch things to fit the binding (like a small strip that shows the week at a glance). But for now I'm keeping things pretty simple.

I will say, I think this is a genius daily planner and from what I understand it is hard to find - so I guess I was pretty lucky to have found the one I did that Sunday morning at Target. It was a bit of an impulse purchase, but I'm glad I went with my instinct. And before you ask, yes, I am still also using a seasonal planner and a weekly planner as well ... but there is a method to my madness, lol! There are things I can't really plan in this daybook - lesson plans for example. Which is why I am spending THIS weekend finalizing my homeschool planbook - with a pencil, ruler, and an old notebook I had on hand. I will absolutely be sharing about that in a future post ... perhaps next week if I'm able. I'm thinking a post about our command zones would be a fun idea, too ... I think most of us are organizing ourselves and our work zones for the new year ahead, whether we homeschool or do school or not!

But lest I get ahead of myself, let me wrap this up here and thank you all, as always, for stopping by. I hope you all are having a great weekend! Just about a week left to August ... how crazy is that?! I'm just not ready for Summer to end ... though I am looking forward to Fall. :)

See you here again very soon!

p.s. I had my phone interview with Pam at Ed Snapshots last week - and it was SO fun! What a lovely conversation Pam and I had. :) The podcast will be up sometime this Fall, and I will of course keep you all posted ... but in the meantime, check out the many podcasts already in Pam's archive. There is much inspiration to be found there!
