From one nest to another ... ❤
From Nest to Nest ... ❤

An Advent Tea Journal ~ Please join me!

Advent tea button 2015

 Good Friday morning, my friends!

I'm popping in today to tell you a bit more about my 2015 Advent Tea Journal, which I'll kick off on Monday with a little "Thanksgiving Tea" here at my blog. How will this work? Well, I will be posting pictures of my own tea things (my favorite autumn set) and a few of my Thanksgiving decorations. (I MAY try to do a short video tour, but that might be beyond my technical "prowess," lol!) I will also share what I'm writing in my tea journal that week: nature notes, a recipe, a quote for the week, a book I'm enjoying, etc. Then I'll introduce the theme of the week which on Monday will be  ...

Simplifying the Season

These are the questions I'd like to ponder and pose:

How are we going to simplify the season this year, for ourselves and our family? What can we step back from or make easier in some way?

What is our Season's focus? What are the main things we want to do (activity) and feel (atmosphere) this Advent?

Can we plan a family meeting next weekend? A time to talk about expectations and perhaps look at the calendar together?


Each Monday through the end of the year I'll share my Advent Tea Journal (themes and dates can be found here), and I would LOVE to have you all join me, in any way that works for you. You might leave a comment on Monday's post ... or link up with me at your blog ... or you might send me your thoughts on this topic - along with pictures! - by email:

bysunandcandle AT gmail DOT com

I will add your thoughts and pics to my post as we go along ... no deadlines, just reply as you have time. I might even do separate posts as I did with the planner party so we can spread our discussion throughout the week. :)

Oh, and feel free to grab my tea "button" up there if you'd care to help spread the word! :)

My friends, I do hope you'll join me for tea this Advent ... and of course, "tea" is whatever your preferred libation might be! Cocoa, spiced cider, coffee ... etc. It's such a nice time of year to do this - to sit down and re-set our batteries and perhaps, re-set our focus if life is taking us away from where we want to be. I find these weeks tend to just FLY by and the pressure builds all around us - are you done wrapping yet? have you mailed all your cards yet? - and the next thing we know, it's more about getting things done ... and less about the big picture. If we look back at the "hopes" we wrote for ourselves in November will we see that living vision around us?

But aside from all that - it's also about sharing tea and enjoying each other's company. :)

So please consider joining me in whatever way you can. I'll post reminders each week about what's coming up next so everyone has time to think over the theme and if and how they'd like to participate.

And of course, I'm still hoping to see more of those wonderful cozy nest pics! You may send me those at the same address listed above ... I'll be on-and-off line all weekend. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by, everyone ... I will see you here again very soon!
