Happy New Year, a PDF & Some News ...
Advent is here! Please join me for tea ...

My Homemade 2023-2024 Academic Planner (Free PDFs!)


Hello my fiends, and long no time see!

I hope you've all had a good year so far. I can't believe how time just got away from me this year and my poor little blog has not had any updates in so many months. But! I'm here today to share some new planning sheets with you all. I have an academic set ready to go - September 2023 - June 2024. I had hoped to get new sheets up for the start of the year, but then ... well ... LIFE happened.

So yes, it's been a challenging year to say the least. If you don't follow me on Instagram then you may not have seen my posts about Earlybird's injury. The morning after Christmas 2022, Earlybird fell in his bedroom and broke his knee. No one was upstairs when it happened so we don't actually know how he did it, but the result of this fall was a patella broken clean in half! The next six months were filled with multiple surgeries and a grueling recovery (including a metal frame surgically attached to his leg) and then many, many weeks of physical and occupational therapy. EB was so brave through it all and I'm very happy now six plus months later to say that he's walking again and physically back to baseline.

(His anxiety issues are a whole 'nother story however!)

Anyhoo, that's a big post for another time - for today I would like to share my updated planner pages with you all in case anyone still enjoys using them! As always they are free for your personal use and if you'd like to share them please tag me (here or on Instagram). One of these days I may get them to a place where they're done well enough I feel comfortable selling them as ready-made planners - but today is (still) not that day!

To set up a planner using these sheets, simply print each PDF link in the order listed below and then assemble the pages as you wish (3-hole punch, disc-bound or have them spiral bound at Staple as I do). I will suggest using a high grade printer paper (98 bright/32 lb. is my preference), because it makes such a difference in the feel of the pages!

I will do a follow up post to show you how I use these printable to create my own pretty planner (in the meantime you can find more info in my homemade planner archive.)

Ok, now for the links!

Beginning pages (these include title page, yearly, weekly and monthly/seasonal overviews)











End Pages (extra note pages)


And for now I will say goodbye and hope to see you again here very soon! In the meantime, please consider visiting me on Instagram - I post there nearly every day!
