Daybook Feed

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 22nd


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the Daybook links this week. ~
Outside My Window ... the sky is slowly clearing after a gray, cool start; everything is damp after yesterday's storms. A mourning dove is resting on the gatepost, dignified and serene - beside him, a dozen baby sparrows are lined up, squabling for their breakfast. A vee of geese just passed, honking, overhead.
I am thinking ... about the August calendar - and how quickly it's filling in!
I am thankful ... for the kind of friends who love you, quirks and all. :)
From the kitchen ... there are banana breads baking in the oven right now, and the house smells amazingly good. (Bill and Earlybird made them *early* this morning.)
I am wearing ... denim shorts, Red Sox shirt, keds.
I am creating ... a week-by-week "playbook" for the new year. I'm having a hard time deciding on the format - binder or notebook? And will it be exclusively academic, or will it address household activities, too?
I am going ... no where in particular. My friend Beth is taking our oldest boys to a computer class each day this week, while I watch the younger kids at home.
I am reading ... (re-reading, actually) the whole Twilight series, in preparation for the release of the final installment, Breaking Dawn, on August 2nd.
I am hoping ... to spend some time on holiday planning this weekend.
I am hearing ... baby birds chirping, a car driving down our street, the hum of my laptop.
Around the house ... the lawn needs to be mowed and the carpets need to be shampooed. (Both of those chores are Bill's department.) Lots of laundry to fold, and a refrigerator to clean out.
One of my favorite things ... the craft store at this time of year - all the fall goodies and Christmas stuff, too. I know this annoys most people to no end, but - planner I am - I love it all. :)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... Bookworm's computer class, a VBS meeting, a trip to Whole Foods, a birthday pool party.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
and another:
~How cute is this little guy?.~
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 16th


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the Daybook links this week. ~
Outside My Window ... a sunny, super-hot day is unfolding ... a gray squirrel is seeking shade (and, I fear, breakfast) in the raspberry patch ... a chipmunk is stuffing his cheeks full of seed.
I am thinking ... about our plans for the learning room - new desks and a new set up.
I am thankful ... that I can be home with my children.
From the kitchen ... Something easy tonight: multi-grain pancakes with organic maple syrup and roasted kielbasa and new potatoes on the side. Lemon sorbet for dessert.
I am wearing ... a light white tee shirt, beige shorts, sandals, hair up in a clip.
I am creating ... a week-by-week planner for the new year.
I am going ... Well, I went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3-D Monday night. It was really good!
I am reading ... various magazines and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire because that's all my tired brain can handle right now.
I am hoping ... my readers will forgive my spotty posting of late. My free-time (especially online-time) is scarce these days.
I am hearing ... the a/c humming, Crackerjack telling a story (to no one in particular), Earlybird bouncing on the couch.
Around the house ... a quick tidy before guests arrive today, a good watering of the garden before the day gets hot.
One of my favorite things ... that point in midsummmer when fall doesn't seem so far away.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... Bookworm's computer class, Midget's echocardiogram, a VBS meeting, a weekend spent fleshing out ed. plans.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
~My bedroom desk.~
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 9th


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the Daybook links this week. ~
Outside My Window ... A steamy hot morning. Everything is still - no birds or squirrels scampering about. (I take that back - the house wren is perched on the gatepost ... and here comes the little red squirrel, clambering down the spruce tree branches.) Our raspberry bushes are ready to pop, the pumpkin plants are thriving, and bright orange daylilies sparkle in the sun.
I am thinking ... about the weekend. I've asked Bill for time to sit down and write out the end-of-the-year reports and start the new ed. plans for next year.
I am thankful for ... my parents, and all they do for my family.
From the kitchen ... an organic vanilla cake served with whipped cream and homegrown raspberries.
I am wearing ... a floral sleeveless tee, denim shorts, sandals, hair pulled back.
I am creating ... a current events bulletin board for the learning room.
I am going ... to get a facial today! A "European" facial, to be exact. My mum had one last month and now she's treating me!
I am reading ... The Land of Mango Sunsets by Dorothea Benton Frank (on loan from my mum). Also, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, just because it's summer and summer means Harry. :)
I am hoping ... to start my Christmas planning soon.
I am hearing ... air conditioners humming, and Earlybird's cheerful (and constant) chatter.
Around the house ... Wednesday is kitchen day ... so today I'll scrub the sink and wipe down the countertops. I'll clean out the fridge and cabinet shelves, then begin a marketing list for Saturday. I'll continue tweaking my 2-week menu plan, and I really need to clean out my coupon packet.
One of my favorite things ... working on my journal. Creating new pages filled with thoughts, ideas and images ...
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... VBS meeting, orthodontist appointment, Daddy's birthday, consultation with neuropsychologist (follow-up to EB's evaluation), a nice relaxing dinner out with Bill.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
~A baby sugar pumpkin on the vine~
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 2nd


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the Daybook links this week. ~
Outside My Window ... Last night's raindrops cling to the windowscreens; beyond them I see a hot, hazy morning unfolding. The wren house is being pestered by sparrows, while a robin hunts for worms in the lawn. Two young squirrels are wrestling beneath the lilac bush, and a chipmunk is nestled in the tray feeder, filling his cheeks with seed.
I am thinking ... about all the things on my to-do list - specifically, how to keep track of it all. I reeeallly need a better method. Ideally, I need less to do, but that doesn't seem to be an option ... ;)
I am thankful for ... our quiet, woodsy neighborhood.
From the kitchen ... grilled chicken, pasta salad and chocolate-chip pan cookies for dessert.
I am wearing ... a summery striped sleeveless tee, gray shorts, sandals, hair up in a twist.
I am creating ... a project/ideas notebook. A place to keep craft ideas and other inspirations.
I am going ... to see the fireworks tomorrow night! :)
I am reading ... The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd (for me) and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (with Crackerjack). Open beside me I have the summer issue of Victoria.
I am hoping ... to catch up with some of my Tivo'd shows - particularly the Martha shows. I miss that crafty fix.
I am hearing ... a multitude of birdsong from the open windows, the shower running downstairs. A cat crying, incessantly, for breakfast.
Around the house ... I'm going to mop the bathroom and kitchen floors using plain old warm water, unscented liquid soap and a few drops of lavender oil. I have our bed linens in the washer as I type - the bedroom windows are open and the mattress is airing out. Actually all the house windows are open ... before long the day will get *hot* and we'll have to button up and put on the AC.
One of my favorite things ... How about three? :) The Boston Globe Food pages, a tall pitcher of lemon water and a day just to be home.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... cookouts, fireworks, a day at the beach.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ June 23rd


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the Daybook links this week. ~
Outside My Window ... a soft, misty morning is turning dark, as storm clouds roll in from the west. A pair of rose-breasted grosbeaks are at the feeder, too fast for my camera. One bright blue blossom clings to the birdhouse post - our first morning glory!
I am thinking ... about calendars - specifically, a new academic calendar. (It's that time of year!)
I am thankful for ... the love and support of friends and family.
From the kitchen ... leftover birthday cake, lol! Orange Supreme with buttercream frosting - Bookworm's favorite. A dash of rainbow sherbet on the side. :)
I am wearing ... powder blue t-shirt, beige shorts, sandals, hair up.
I am creating ... a new little workspace for myself.
I am going ... to see Wall-E on Friday! :)
I am reading ... The Host by Stephenie Meyer, which I borrowed from my friend, Beth. (Thanks, Beth!)
I am hoping ... for a quiet catch-up kind of week.
I am hearing ... sweet birdsong out the front windows, the rumble of trucks working out back.
Around the house ... things are pretty clean as we had the family party here yesterday. (Nothing like a party to get your house in spic-and-span shape, lol.) So this week I will concentrate on the learning room. We are officially "done" for the year (save for math) and I want to get this room back in shape. The school-totes and my in-box are in particular need of attention.
One of my favorite things ... pumpkins in the garden. They're just big leafy green plants now, but there are golden blossoms and vines beginning to show.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... Earlybird's therapies, Spiderwick comes out on DVD, St. John's Day, Nature Club meeting (bug hunt), Bookworm's "friend" party, a mums-only shopping trip in-town.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
The first morning glory blossom ...
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ June 17th


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the Daybook links this week. ~
Outside My Window ... last night's raindrops cling to the screens, the rising sun streams through the woods, a robin plucks a worm from the damp lawn, a mourning dove rests on the telephone wire.
I am thinking ... about a summer housecleaning schedule.
I am thankful for ... a husband and father who, together, were able to fix an estimated $3000 plumbing issue on their own. (Phew!)
From the kitchen ... red potatoes, zucchini, orange peppers and turkey kielbasa - all tossed in honey mustard dressing and then roasted in a pan. Leftover garlic bread served alongside.
I am wearing ... blue and white calico blouse, khaki capris, barefeet.
I am creating ... invitations for Bookworm's (13th!) birthday party.
I am going ... to see Kung Fu Panda tomorrow! :)
I am reading ... Better Basics for the Home (and taking lots of notes).
I am hoping ... to harvest my lavender flowers this week (and hang them to dry).
I am hearing ... birdsong (of course), a tumbling dryer, the Beavers movie EB is watching, EB's corresponding laughter. :)
Around the house ... I'm a day off-schedule, as I cleaned the bathroom yesterday instead of today (but it really needed it), so today I'll get a head start on the kitchen (typically Wednesday's chore). I especially need to tackle the refrigerator shelves today ...
One of my favorite things ... a tall, cold iced coffee on a hot summer morning.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... EB's therapy, Kung Fu Panda, a hike and picnic with friends, Tween Movie Night with Bookworm, family party for Bookworm's birthday on Sunday.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
Beach roses in Boston ...
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ June 10th


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the Daybook links this week. ~
Outside My Window ... a hot hazy morning is slowly unfolding ~ a tiny chipmunk is racing up and down the spruce tree branches ~ a large, lazy bumblebee is hovering near the roofline ~ a damselfly is resting in the raspberry patch.
I am thinking ... about a menu for our Father's Day brunch.
I am thankful for ... air conditioning! (96 for a high today!)
From the kitchen ... lemonade, homemade popsicles and for dinner: cold pasta salad (bowties, zucchini, red peppers, leftover grilled chicken).
I am wearing ... a blue floral tank top, navy shorts, sandals, my hair up in a clip.
I am creating ... pretty glass bottles filled with summery-scented oils.
I am going ... tidepooling at the beach one day later this week!
I am hoping ... we can fix the old desktop computer where I upload photos.
I am hearing ... birdsong, EB playing at the sink, CJ humming the Wall-E theme song. :)
Around the house ... after several "off" days, a major tidy is needed. Today I will concentrate on the upstairs bathroom, folding laundry and wiping down the kitchen counters.
One of my favorite things ... is planning ahead, and this weekend I will begin outlining next year. I'll buy all new folders for the file crate, and set up a month-by-month planner. (Naturally I'll post all about it once I'm done!)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... Homeschool Games Day, Mittenstrings meeting, Tidepooling with Nature Club, Father's Day brunch, Fall soccer tryouts for CJ
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Stay cool!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ May 28th


~ Peggy is taking a Daybook break this week, but I wrote up a fresh post anyway. :) ~
Outside My Window ... a crisp and bright morning, full of spring promise.
I am thinking ... about the last six weeks of our "school" year.
I am thankful for ... my husband, who takes such good care of us.
From the kitchen ... organic sweet potato breads.
I am wearing ... a sea-green t-shirt, khakis and keds.
I am creating ... a pretty project planner to keep track of all my plates in the air.
I am going ... to fold every last bit of laundry today and remake all the beds.
I am reading ... the new issue of Mary Jane's Farm (yum).
I am hoping ... no news is good news.
I am hearing ... the chime of the mantel clock, the chatter of my boys, an airplane flying low overhead.
Around the house ... all the windows are open, I have morning glory seeds soaking, things need to be tidied after the long lazy weekend.
One of my favorite things ... sneaking outside early to walk around the yard, fill the birdfeeders, and see what's growing where.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: orthodontist and dentist appointments, an evening showing of Prince Caspian with Bookworm's Tween group, the National Spelling Bee ...
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
Some plants I bought at the farm this weekend.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ May 21st


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the links entered in this week's Simple Woman's Daybook ~
Outside My Window ... golden light is washing over the neighborhood. A crow is ambling down the sidewalk, his mate waiting on the phone lines above. Everything is so green now, but the lilacs are still blooming - I can smell them through the open window.
I am thinking ... about a Mothers Tea I'm hosting this summer.
I am thankful for ... my own mother, for too many reasons to name.
From the kitchen ... apple crisp with a crunchy oat topping.
I am wearing ... white t-shirt, green cardigan, light jeans, peds.
I am creating ... a cozy work corner for myself.
I am going ... to get back to all the people I need to get back to.
I am reading ... my new issue of British Country Living.
I am hoping ... for good weather this weekend.
I am hearing ... birds in the woods, the coffeemaker perking, the fireplace cycling off.
Around the house ... The kitchen is cleaned on Wednesdays ~ so the fridge will be cleared out, its shelves wiped down. The sink and counters will be scrubbed with my favorite lemon-herb cleanser. I'll keep the windows open wide as I work, and let in the cool spring air. I'll start a menu and shopping list for next week.
One of my favorite things ... watching the sun rise behind the woods (see picture below).
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Homeschool Games day, Mitten Strings meeting, Nourishing our Families meeting, Indiana Jones matinee, Memorial Day weekend ...
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ May 13th


~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the links entered in this week's Simple Woman's Daybook ~
Outside My Window ... a pair of Baltimore orioles, the first of the year!
I am thinking ... about a dinner menu for next week and marketing list for Saturday.
I am thankful for ... three healthy, happy boys.
From the kitchen ... there will be (fingers-crossed) pumpkin breads in the oven later today.
I am wearing ... my pale green floral pajamas (it's still early!).
I am creating ... pressed flowers and leaves for the field journal.
I am going ... to catch up on my emails this week. Promise.
I am reading ... the Twilight series (for myself), The Battle of the Labyrinth with Bookworm (we read separately but compare notes), and The Nixie's Song with Crackerack. I'm also listening to Tom Sawyer as Bookworm reads aloud to us all in the afternoons.
I am hoping ... my cat's echocardiogram tomorrow shows improvement.
I am hearing ... the dishwasher running, my cat purring, neighbors driving off to work.
Around the house ... today is Tuesday, so I will clean the upstairs bathroom and the living room, including the china cabinet if there is time (and energy).
One of my favorite things ... variegated yarn. I could buy every blend I see.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: knitting circle, nature club, ladies' tea at church ...
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ May 6th


~ I saw this lovely meme at Peggy's and, though I am a day late, I would like to share my Daybook Entry for today ~
Outside My Window ... there are two little red squirrels at the feeders.
I am thinking ... about re-doing my homekeeping notebook.
I am thankful for ... the Amazon box that arrived yesterday. :)
From the kitchen ... soft turkey tacos, peppers and rice, rhubarb cobbler for dessert.
I am wearing ... a short-sleeved blouse and a pair of denim capris.
I am creating ... new pages in my journal.
I am going ... to spend as much time outside as possible this week.
I am reading ... the morning Globe.
I am hoping ... to learn how to knit (red, cotton) socks, per Crackerjack's request.
I am hearing ... a titmouse calling to his mate, laughter, a school bus trundling by.
Around the house ... a lot of toys that need to be put away, bed linens to wash, books of all kinds on display, open windows letting in the spring air.
One of my favorite things ... savoring my coffee all morning long.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Catching up on my correspondence, hosting friends for lunch, planning Forest School, making Mother's Day cards with the boys.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
I hope you all have a wonderful day!