Newsletter Feed

Hot off the Presses: My Spring Newsletter!


Hello my friends, and Happy June! I am popping in quickly today to share my latest newsletter with you all! Some of you received this in the mail last week (or will very shortly) but here it is in printable PDF form for everyone else:

By Sun and Candlelight Late Spring Newsletter, 2018

I hope you enjoy my letter ... it's nothing too fancy, just a bit of "this and that" ... including a copy of my favorite spring recipe! I have in fact just made this dish today ... can you guess what it might be?


It's not perhaps the prettiest of bakes but it really is quite delicious! Check out my newsletter for all the details!

Enjoy the week ahead, my friends, and thanks so much for stopping by ...

I will see you here again very soon!

p.s. As I announced on Instagram and Faceboook last week, this Sunday (6/10), I will be hosting our next Mitten Strings for God Tea. We will be talking about chapter 15, "Listening." I hope you will join me!

How about some Midsummer News?

Good Tuesday morning, my friends! I was working on my sidebars this morning, when I came across this fun little newsletter I wrote back in 2012 ...


 Some of you received one of these in the mail! :)

Whether you got one of those initial mailings or not, you can still read my newsletter by clicking on the nest icon over there on the righthand side of my blog (just below my Facebook feed) or just click on the link below:

Midsummer News, 2012

I thought I would share it with you all once again since it is very timely and chock-full of seasonal inspiration! (If I may say so myself ... ahem!I hope you enjoy it, and I hope it perhaps sparks some ideas for this time of year ...

I'm working on my Early Autumn notes just now ... so many notes! ... but I must remind myself to stop and savor the Summer before it passes ... time is a-flying as always!

Blessings on your day, my friends ... thanks for stopping by and see you here again very soon!

My Midsummer News ~ now online!

Good Friday morning, my friends!

If I did this right ... over there on the right-hand sidebar you will see a pretty little nest ... that image is a link to my 2012 Midsummer News in PDF format. And if you click on the nest the newsletter should open right up on your computer. Please let me know if there are any glitches ... and I hope you enjoy!

{I am currently working on my next newsletter - "Mid-Autumn News - so please stay tuned!}

  KG sunflowers

I'll see you here again very soon ...

A Note on the Newsletters ...

Just briefly, three things to tell you ...

One: The newsletters were sent in a plain, white, business-sized envelope, with a floral stamp and the addresses written in a dark blue ink. (Note: international letters had a different, rectangular stamp.) There is no return address, I'm afraid. A few people have mentioned they weren't sure who this "mysterious" letter might be from, lol, so I wanted to give you all a heads-up. ;) I had grander plans, orginally, for the envelopes - stickers, labels and whatnot - but time got away from me and I just wanted to get them off to you all!

Two: Also, those recycled envelopes may be earth-wise but apparently their glue is not all that great, because my parents' letter arrived open! So I apologize if your newsletter arrived in this way. I hope that didn't happen too often.

Three: I hope I didn't miss anyone - I had meant to cross-check the envelopes with the email I sent to be sure I got every name, but again, I ran out of time! If for some reason I missed you, please let me know! (And come to think of it, a few of you sent an email address instead of a snail mail address and that's fine - but it will be a day or two more before Bill has the newsletter in pdf form. When he does I will have it up here available for you, and all my readers, to print.)

Well, that's all for now! Enjoy the rest of your day ...

Hot off the Presses!

And finally off to the post office ...

Newsletters to mail 2

... bright and early tomorrow morning ...

My friends, my newsletter is done at long last!

And since it's nearly mid-August, there's some midsummer news and some late summer news with a whole bunch of "back-to-school" stuff tucked in there as well ... just to keep it all fresh and current. ;)

 It feels so good to get this project done! To my readers who "subscribed" to this first offering, if you sent a reply to my email with your snail mail address, then I've got a newsletter ready for you! To the rest of my readers, I plan to post the newsletter here sometime next week as a file you can open and read on your computer and/or print if you wish ...

So please stay tuned! 

It was lots of fun putting this together ... many thanks to you all for your patience AND heaps of love and gratitude to my dear Bill for spending so much time on this project with me. (And being such a good sport about my constant occasional nagging gentle reminders.) I think we make a pretty good team!

Well, friends ... I'm signing off for now because it's getting late and I think three posts from me in one day is quite enough, lol! Hope you all have a nice evening ... see you here again very soon!

❤  ❤

Newsletter News :D


Good Morning, everyone! I hope your week's going well ...

I know it's been a while since I mentioned my newsletter, so I wanted to report in on how things are going ... and I'm happy to report that I've just about finished composing it! And so now (with Bill's help) I will form all that text into a template, and then the printing process can begin! (I'm good with pencil and paper, but Bill's my go-to tech guy. :))

I'm afraid, however, it's no longer so much a "Spring" newsletter, but rather, an "Early Summer" newsletter. But that's ok, right? :) I will begin emailing each of you who asked to subscribe, in order to obtain your "snail mail" address - and there are a lot of you, so it will take me some time to work through the list! I thank you again for your patience, I know you've all probably been wondering what happened to all that promised "spring" news! All I can say is ~ real life happened, lol!

 So, since Spring is just about over, as I mentioned above, my first issue will focus on the joys of early Summer. If all goes well, my hope is to do a second, "back to school" newsletter later in the season ...but of course, I'm getting ahead of myself - as I often do!

Also, since I have close to 200 subscribers for this first (complimentary) issue, I will continue collecting names and emails but will put you on the list for any future newsletters. I'll have to see how this first issue goes ... but that is my general plan. :)

So, there's the newsletter update ... Again, I apologize for taking so long, and I thank you for your kind interest and continued patience! Have a great Wednesday, everyone ... see you here again very soon!


Announcing the Winner ... and another Spring Offer!

I'm very happy to announce that the winner of my Spring Package Giveaway is:

 EK White!!!

EK's favorite Spring Tradition is the "tapping of eggs." Now, I am not Greek myself, but a few years ago I had the honor of participating in this festive Easter tradition - and quite luckily my egg survived to the last!

But enough about me ... CONGRATULATIONS, EK! I will be in touch very soon so we can arrange all our posting details. :)

And thank you, EVERYONE, for taking the time to leave me your Spring Thoughts - explaining your traditions and sharing your beautiful memories. (Honestly, dear readers, if you are looking for Spring ideas, take a look at all these lovely comments - so many wonderful ideas here!) I so enjoyed reading every single comment, and if I could, I would send each and every one of you a Spring Package ...

Well, I can't do that ... but how about this?

I'd love to send each of you a "Springtime Newsletter!"

 This is an idea I've been toying with for a while ... creating a little homespun, handmade newsletter to send to interested readers. You all know how I love writing, and paper-crafting, and talking about the seasons ... so this might be fun!

So if you'd like to receive my newsletter, please let me know in the comments below and I'll add you to my mailing list. (You don't have to leave your "snail mail" address in the comment, I'll be in touch via email and we can go from there.)


Well I am now completely ready for Spring - and very happily it feels just like Spring here in New England. It's a glorious day, and one day this week, right after lunch, I'll be taking the boys on our first "Nature Walk" of the year. I'm sure I'll have lots to "report" after that!

Have a great Monday, my friends ... see you here again very soon!