Hot off the Presses: My Spring Newsletter!
June 04, 2018
Hello my friends, and Happy June! I am popping in quickly today to share my latest newsletter with you all! Some of you received this in the mail last week (or will very shortly) but here it is in printable PDF form for everyone else:
By Sun and Candlelight Late Spring Newsletter, 2018
I hope you enjoy my letter ... it's nothing too fancy, just a bit of "this and that" ... including a copy of my favorite spring recipe! I have in fact just made this dish today ... can you guess what it might be?
It's not perhaps the prettiest of bakes but it really is quite delicious! Check out my newsletter for all the details!
Enjoy the week ahead, my friends, and thanks so much for stopping by ...
I will see you here again very soon!
p.s. As I announced on Instagram and Faceboook last week, this Sunday (6/10), I will be hosting our next Mitten Strings for God Tea. We will be talking about chapter 15, "Listening." I hope you will join me!