
Thursday, February 25th

First shoots

YES! We have green, people! Crocus or snowdrop, I'm not sure, but the point is - it's coming! :)

(Spotted and snapped by Bill on his way out to the car this morning. His text made my day!)

Speaking of this day - SO lovely.

Temp february 25

Though last night was quite stormy (across most of the US), today is mild and windy. Feels so much like Spring. This Winter (knock-on-wood) has been quite do-able so far.

Wildlife notes: Four beautiful deer spotted in the field on Main Street this morning. Right beside the road. No antlers (all female? or young?) and just breathtaking. Also, mourning dove song very early.

Friday, February 19th

Red squirrels 1

Red squirrel 1 (1)

Enjoying our little red squirrels on the deck - who are enjoying all the sunflower seed exposed as the snow melts! :)

Oddly enough (and sadly), our bluebirds have not been back since Tuesday. Right after we put put all those mealworms! I'm wondering if they were migrating and never meant to stay on? Lots of other kinds of birds in the yard, though ... juncos, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, cardinals, etc. so really I shouldn't complain!

Weather: clouds moving in, snow on the way for tonight (just a coating), but up in the 50s all weekend!

Tuesday, February 16th

This morning's icy weather ...

Icy morning 2

I took these pictures quite early (roughly 7:30 a.m.) as I tended to the birdfeeders - dumping out the snow that had fallen overnight, adding extra mealworms and scattered mixed seed. Above is the bank of trees on the east side of our property ... I love watching the sun rise behind these evergreens, and look how pale and frosty everything looks!

Icy morning 1

I know you can barely see it, but at the very top of the tree beyond the roof is a cardinal. He was singing his dear little heart out this morning! Oddly enough, despite all the snow and ice around me, the temperatures were on the rise and there was a feeling of Spring off in the distance ...

And yet ...

Icy morning 8

Everything was glazed with ice!

Icy morning 9

Happily, the mealworms we put out yesterday seem to be a hit with the bluebirds! Below is one on top of the table (where I scattered some mixed seed and "bluebird nuggets") and in the foreground are two lovely goldfinches.

Icy morning 4

This is also attracting the blue jays! And squirrels and juncos, too ...

Icy morning 3

And here's my dear little red squirrel, scavenging beneath the rhododendron.

Icy morning 5

Now, crazily enough, we are in for a very rainy afternoon ... heavy rain is on the way as well as temps in the 50s! It won't wash away all the snow, but will leave behind some black ice tonight and tomorrow morning so I hope everyone is safe on the roads.