Nature Crafts

Tuesday, February 2nd ~ Candlemas Day!

Snowdrops 1

Well, just moments ago, our resident groundhog emerged from his den - did NOT see his shadow and therefore predicted an EARLY SPRING!  But before we get too excited, this old Candlemas verse declares the opposite to be true ...

If Candlemas be fair and bright, Winter takes another flight.

If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, Winter will not come again.

Well, it's bright and sunny here! A beautiful February morning and as I always say (or think to myself anyway) whatever the weather might be - this day is a gift. So whether the coming weeks bring snow and bluster or sun and soft breezes, I'll take it! :)

• Snowdrops, shown above at our old house. Still waiting on the ones we planted here! This is a lovely, old-fashioned spring bulb, also called "Candlemas Bells." With all this mild weather recently they may be on their way up ... but we'll take a look today and see. Last year they never appeared, buried under all that record-breaking snow.

• Coloring pages for the younger boys (groundhog, snowdrops) and a check of the temperature at noon.

The Story of the Snow Children by Elsa Beskow

How Groundhog's Garden Grew by Lynne Cherry 

Today, I will clean out the "Crafts & Candles" cupboard and organize the materials to make some beeswax candles with the boys. If there is patience and focus we will attempt this craft later today! If not - outside we go to burn off that energy and look for our own shadows in the fading afternoon light.


* Temps in the mid 40s, bright sun. *