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Birds at the Feeders

  • Golden-crowned Kinglet*Slate-colored junco*a warbler of some kind*house wren*Carolina wren*goldfiches*purple finches*cardinals*chickadees*downey woodpecker*mourning doves*chipping sparrows*nuthatch*tufted titmice*robin

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May 01, 2006


Love2learn Mom

What a beautiful statue! Thank for sharing. I'll have to keep my eyes out for one around here. We have one of those granite statues of Mary from a garden shop, but I'd like something a little nicer and Our Lady of Grace would be perfect for us.


That is beautiful! I love that it is also a bird feeder, but I can't do that here as we have a cat who is just too adept at catching birds. I don't want to lure the little dears to their deaths!


I'm hoping to get a picture of a little visiting bird eating the seeds ... maybe a chickadee as they practially land on my shoulder when I'm filling the feeders. So far this new feeder has gone untouched.

Theresa, our cats are indoors, but there are a few neighborhood cats who have our yard pegged. Surprisingly, we have never seen them get anything. I worry most about the ground feeders like cardinals, chipmunks and squirrels.


Oh that is beautiful! And functional too. I'd love to see a picture of the birds eating from it, I hope you catch one!

Love2learn Mom

It turns out they carry it at Leaflet Missal Company! Turns out I was all prepared when dh asked this morning what I'd like for Mother's Day. :) Thanks for the tip.


I'm glad you were able to find one! :)


She is lovely and so unique for an outdoor statue - the coloring is gorgeous.


Simply perfect!! She's beautiful and I know your birds are happier for her presence there, just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing her here!

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